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- "Mommy?" I pushed the door open, I saw my mama's body lying on the ground. My mind struggled to comprehend the scene, my thoughts clouded by a mix of confusion and denial. "Mommy, come on, get up," I pleaded my voice laced with childlike innocence, tugging on my mommy's arm in a futile attempt to rouse her. "I need to go to school momma." I believed that my momma's silence was just a game, a temporary absence from reality. I giggled nervously, trying to shake off the feeling of unease that had begun to creep in. "Mommy come on, stop being silly." attempting to dispel the feeling, hoping my mommy would get up. As I approached my momma's face, My mother's eyes were unblinking, her mouth foaming with a sickly, yellowish substance. The sight was too much for me to bear, the only person that cared about me, the only person that I cared about. I let out a blood-curdling scream.
I wake up shaking and breathing heavily, on the verge of having a panic attack. I burst into tears, uncontrollably crying and screaming as seeing my momma's dead body on the ground replayed in my head. No one helped her. They let her die. That's something I will never forget.

I slip into an all-black outfit, my hair pulled up into a messy ponytail. My mind races with a jumble of thoughts, the voices, beyond my control.

Aleia go back into the house and calm down.

No fuck that. Something tells me a whole lotta people are bout to die.

Leia don't its stupid & gonna fck up everything.

Its not fucking stupid it's logical.

I step outside, the cool air flows. Im about to do something reckless and stupid letting the voices take over. I'm on autopilot, driven by a compulsion to act on my darkest impulses. 

I blacked out. I slide into the driver's seat of my car, the engine purring to life. My goons wait patiently, their blank expressions a reflection of the emptiness I feel within. We cruise through the city, the neon lights blurring together as we search for a random target. 

We storm into a club of someone who owed me, the loud music and flashing lights a commotion of confusion. I take out my trusty machine gun. I open fire, the sound of shattering glass and screams mingling in the air. I laugh maniacally, the sound tinged with sadness, hate, and a twisted sense of amusement. It's a laugh that's both familiar and foreign, a mixture of emotions that I can't quite explain.

We flee the scene as I laugh historically. My thoughts return to the jewelry store, the glint of diamonds and gold beckoning like a siren's call. I can't resist the urge to take, to claim, to own. 

We pull up to the store, the glass shattering beneath our feet as we storm inside. The sound of shattering glass and terrified screams fills the air once more. As I orchestrate the heist, my goons by my side, the distant wail of sirens pierces the air. I direct my associates to abandon the scene and retreat to my warehouse. 

As I reached for the final bag of jewelry, I hear the sound of sirens. Their guns trained on me with deadly precision. I couldn't help but smirk at the sight, my confidence lifted by the chaos that surrounded me. 

"Well, well, well, looks like the boys in blue have finally decided to show up," I sneered, twirling my gun around with a flourish. "But I'm afraid you're a little too late to the partyyyy." I say pouting with fake sympathy.

With a laugh, I quickly took down three of the officers with swift headshots, their bodies crumpling to the ground as I dodged hiding behind a pillar with their attempts to shoot me. 

With a wicked grin, I took aim at one of the officers, dispatching him with a single shot to the stomach and another to the head. "Oh no im so sorry did that hurt ya?" I laugh like a maniac. 

As I approached the last officer, he trembled with fear, his hand shaking as he aimed his weapon at me. I seized the opportunity, pressing my gun against his temple. He pleaded "Please don't kill me. I have a family!"

 I stared at him blankly. "Well I had a family too. Everyone took that away from ME. You took that away from me. And they call me fucked up for how I react to situations." I laughed slightly coming back to reality. 

"My angelic face will be the last thing you'll ever see," I whispered, a sadistic grin spreading across my face. With a swift motion, I pulled the trigger, ending his life in an instant. 

My adrenaline surged as I plunged the knife into his leg, the sensation of power and control coursing through my veins. I let out a horrifying laugh, reveling in the absurdity of the situation. It was almost too easy.

With one final glance at the lifeless body, I sped away in my Lamborghini, the speed and wind a welcome respite from the chaos I'd left behind. I parked my car in a secluded alley on the other side of town, hoping to avoid detection. With my hoodie pulled tight, I made my way to a nearby motel. 

I unlocked the door to my motel room, the adrenaline coursing through my veins still lingering from the chaotic events that had unfolded. As I collapsed onto the bed, the weight of my actions finally began to settle in. 

What the Fuck did I just do. At first, I laughed. But it quickly morphed into something else, a deep, anguished cry that shook my entire body. I tugged at my hair, the pain a welcome distraction from the craziness and feelings that were within me. My body trembled violently as I let out a raw, animalistic scream, releasing all the locked up emotions that had been building inside me. The sound echoed through the dingy motel room, a desperate plea for relief from the crushing weight of my own despair.

My tears soaking into the thin motel sheets as I lay there, curled up in a ball and consumed by the darkness that surrounded me. Slowly crying myself to sleep.


Hiii guys i know joker isnt in this chapter but im trying to let yall know her backstory & whats going on with her and how she feels. It was a little rushed but I tried my best to put detail down in there. Like basically why she is how she is & plus she is the main character ofc so I want yall to know her aka you but yk..but yall are going to probably hate me or be like "OH MY GOSH WHY" for the next chapter. LOVE YAL DONT KILL ME 😘

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