Chapter - 15

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I walked down the street, calculating my steps following the route in view on my cell phone screen. Taehyung sent me their live location so that I could find them sooner. It was not too far from the cafe, just five minutes away. Opposite to the lane, I was walking. I saw people huddled together under the roof of the bus stop - the same under which we took shelter - and waiting for the next bus to come.

We were close to March mow, and there were now only colder nights and average snowfalls in two or three days. Thank god, I was wearing a scarf as tall building made winds stronger and colder. Thin white sheets lay on the road, a little wet and slippery. I watched my steps, careful not to slip.

My hands consciously patted down my jacket's pocket. A response, I noticed I would repeat every time a passerby looked my way. The inevitable poking presence of the note in my pocket kept me on guard to look for its owner. On my way, till the location, I, again and again, looked around me for a man, looking suspicious or weird. But as the waiter said, he might have left, after he completed his job. That was to leave me disturbed and vigilant.

I entered the alley on the next cut, and right on the entrance I found Taehyung and Junghyun, keenly looking around the corners of the road. They both were wearing gloves. Taehyung looked up. His joined eyebrows straighten after noticing me. "Here you are, see this,"

He moved forward to stand in front of me and took out a plastic zip-lock pouch. Inside it was a card with 'Josh Car Rentals' printed in bold letters on it. I took the note from him and checked the address. It was very near to this place, about fifteen minutes away.

"We disinfected it, just in case we get to match fingerprints," Junghyun spoke, as he stood next to Taehyung.

"Are we going there?" I asked,

"Yup," Taehyung said with a click of the tongue.

Junghyun then looked around before turning back to me, "We tried to find for some more clue, but failed,"

I nodded at them. They packed everything up, and we went back to the point where we parked the car. Once we settled down in our seats, Ronny turned on the ignition, right at that moment, my eyes fell over on the side mirror and caught something unusual. I stared down at the man - in coat and hat- that covered his eyes - through the mirror, as he stood outside the same cafe I went to, with crossed arms and leaned posture. Something that triggered my mind was the sinister smirk on his lips that had an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

He was definitely, looking our way. I turned back quickly to look in that direction but found no one. He vanished into thin air as if he was never there. The car started to drive away with speed, and soon the only thing I could see was deserted rood that kept elongated.

I didn't notice that my normal breathing labored until Junghyun snapped his finger in front of my eyes. I blinked my eyes, coming out of the trance and looked back at Sam, as he settled back on his seat.

"Are you okay? You look troubled," Junghyun said, giving me a once over.

I looked down at my feet and nodded, "Ya, just a little bit tired,"

"I am sorry," Taehyung apologized, "This must be getting very hard for you to deal with,"

He looked at me sympathetically.

I placed my hand above the pocket, unknowingly clutching onto the note. My mind was forcing me to take out the piece of the paper and hand it over to both the guys, but my heart kept a firm grip on my senses - not letting me do it.

"I am fine. You don't need to worry about me,"

Their shoulders relaxed after hearing me, and they leaned back in ease. I closed my eyes, and instantly the glimpse of that malicious smirk flashed back to my mind. I was restless for the whole way.

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