Chapter 8 - Lia's POV

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I finally went to school.

I was quiet as always, Hanni, Cedric, Dane and Paul was happy to see me.

Hours passed by.

I slipped a folded piece of paper through the vent of Dane's locker.

It was a simple note, but it carried the weight of my world.

'Meet me at the rooftop' it read.

I knew Dane would understand.

He was always the one I could rely on, the one who could read between the lines of my silence.

As the sun began to set, I made my way to the rooftop.

I stood there, amidst the cooling breeze, waiting.

The school was even quieter now.

It was a silence that comforted me, a silence that spoke volumes.

The rooftop door creaked open, and there he was. Dane, with his understanding eyes and warm smile.

As he approached me, the city lights began to twinkle like distant stars.

I took a deep breath, ready to break my silence.

Dane walked over to me, his steps soft against the gravel.

He held the note in his hand, his eyes filled with concern.

"You wanted to talk?"

he asked, his voice gentle in the quiet night.

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest.

I looked at him, gathering the courage to tell him about my mental illness.

Dane listened.

He didn't interrupt, didn't judge.

He simply listened, his silence offering me the space I needed to voice my feelings.

As I finished speaking, the weight she had been carrying seemed to lighten.

I looked at Dane, my eyes brimming with gratitude.

For the first time in a long time, I felt heard. I felt understood.

And in that quiet moment on the rooftop, I realized that sometimes, breaking the silence could be the first step towards healing.

Dane reached out, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

His gaze was full of empathy, his silence now a shield of understanding.

"You're not alone, Lia." he said, his voice steady in the quiet night.

"We'll navigate through this together."

His words were a balm to my aching soul.

I felt a surge of relief wash over me, a sense of hope I hadn't felt in a long time.

Dane's promise was not just of companionship, but of unwavering support.

It was a beacon of hope in my stormy world.

In the days that followed, I found myself opening up more, sharing my fears and anxieties, my highs and lows.

Dane was there through it all, a steady presence in my life.

He encouraged me to seek professional help, to talk to a counselor, to not fight this battle alone.

And I did. I started therapy, started learning how to cope, how to heal.

The school remained as quiet as ever, but I was no longer lost in my silence.

I had found my voice, had found the strength to speak up, to seek help.

And as I walked down the silent hallways, I realized that my journey towards healing had just begun.

But I was not afraid. I was not alone. I had Dane by my side.

As I spent more time with Dane, I began to notice a change to myself.

It was subtle at first, a faint flutter in my heart, a warmth that spread through me every time I was with him.

I found myself looking forward to our meetings, to our conversations, to his comforting presence.

I realized I was smiling more, laughing more.

Dane had a way of lighting up my world, of making me feel seen and understood.

His empathy, his kindness, his unwavering support - a feeling I hadn't experienced before.

It was as if a dormant part of my heart had been awakened, a part that yearned for more than just friendship.

As the realization dawned on me, I felt a mix of emotions.

There was fear, of course, the fear of losing their friendship, of complicating things.

But there was also excitement, a sense of anticipation.

I had feelings for Dane, feelings that went beyond friendship.

And as I stood on the rooftop, looking at the city lights, I knew I had another confession to make.

This time, it was not about my struggles, but about my heart.

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