Chapter 7

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Dean's POV
"Merry Christmas, Dean." Cas said we chilled on the sidelines of the party. He looked happy and I was happy he was happy.

"Merry Christmas, my angel." I said, noticing a familiar green plant hanging from the ceiling above us. Mistletoe. Gently cupping his face with my hand, I leaned in slow to kiss him. I saw him tense up a bit and look to the side, but he didn't push me away as our lips met. It was slow and soft, like 2 middle schoolers having their first kiss, but it felt magical. Eventually pulling away, Cas had bright pink cheeks and he was all smiles. We couldn't help but laugh a little, burying my head into his chest as he stroked my hair. When I lifted my head, I noticed Sam off in the distance smiling and he gave me a small head nod. Good to see he's happy for me. It feels weird. A good weird.

"Wanna get some air?" I asked, gesturing to the door down the hallway. He just nodded and we walked holding hands. Once outside, it was surprisingly chilly now that the sun was gone. I could even see my breath. Then something else magical happened. It started to snow. Yeah it was the slightest of flurries, and there's no way it'll stick, but I'm still gonna count it.

"A white Christmas in Hawaii......what are the odds?" Cas asked, still holding hands as we watched the snow fall around us, getting in our hair and making our noses and cheeks all red.

"It's like a miracle. You're my miracle." I said, Cas smiling ear to ear and I swear I saw his eyes tear up. I was about to ask him if he was ok, but he just tackled me into a hug and all I could do was hold him and sway us slowly. It was quiet out here, but you could still hear the faint music from inside.

"You're my miracle too." Cas said into my ear, making me sway us a bit faster and spin us around slowly. I don't care if we've only been actually in a relationship for like 2 days cause it feels like I've been in love with him for years. Seems crazy, I know, but no way in hell am I gonna let this one go. Even if I have to hold him tight like this, I will. I can't lose him. I don't think I could recover like my past breakups. He's just.....different. Once we were a bit too cold, we eventually went back inside and ran into Sam again.

"Where have you guys been? Why are you kind of....wet?"

"You're not gonna believe it, but it's snowing outside. Just a flurry, but still. It's like a fricking Christmas miracle." I told him as he smiled before looking awkward.

"Actually ummm I can believe it. Turns out there's a crazy storm going on in the Pacific Ocean. Airlines are down and a ton of flights got cancelled if not at least delayed."

"Soooo.....what does that mean?" I asked, Sam sighing before giving me the bad news.

"Means we're probably stuck here till new years. It's moving East, so even if the weather is clear here for take off, it won't be for landing."

"Great. We're stuck at a glorious 5 star resort for another week. That's sooooo terrible. How will we survive?" I joked, Sam giving me his usual bitch face as Cas smiled.

"Laugh all you want until you run outta clean underwear, De."

"Just flip them inside out, make 'em last longer." I said, seeing Cas look clearly disgusted.

"Please don't do that." He said and I promised him I wouldn't. I could always go commando. I'm sure this place has a washing machine guests can use anyway.

Since we were gonna be here longer, I guess this means we have more time to relax. I'm not complaining about that. Especially since I get to spend more quality time with Cas. Oh yeah.....guess things will be different once we head back home. I don't really wanna think about that right now, so I'm not gonna. Heading back to our room for the night, we both slumped down on the couch to catch a breather. I don't mind a celebration every now and then, but there's only so much I can take of Cas's family. Pretty sure the feeling is the same for Cas, seeing him look almost deflated next to me. Before we left.....we kinda ran into Chuck. He wished us happy holidays and all that jazz, but he still seemed clearly disappointed in Cas. So Cas may have spoke up to him and it didn't end well. Yeah it's clear he doesn't see Cas as anywhere close to his favorite.

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