Chapter 3

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Dean's POV
"Cas?" I called out as I searched the hallways of the resort, finally seeing him sitting on a lower step of the main stairs as the dog from earlier walked up to him with a small ball. Cas smiled and took it before throwing it down the hall for the dog to chase. Once he saw me, his eyes went like a deer in the headlights.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should call it quits on this "relationship". I never thought this kind of family drama would happen." I said, sitting next to him as the dog came back. This time I threw the ball for him to chase.

"We already ripped the bandaid off, so to speak. I don't think I can go back now that they think I'm gay. Might as well pretend till vacation is over and then we can "break up" once we're home." He said and I understood. Sometimes there are things you can't take back. We kinda fucked up, so we might as well own it now.

"What did your dad say? You seemed pretty damn pissed when you stormed out." I asked, placing a hand on my knee as he sighed.

"He said he expected this behavior from Gabriel, but I've always been such a model son. I've been obedient, always doing what I was told. He said I was broken. That I must have had a crack in my chassis that he overlooked. That I'm too late to save. How can he be so accepting of one son's sexuality and then completely against another's? It doesn't make sense and it makes me so mad."

"Makes me mad too. Like what the fuck?" I said, Cas deflating a bit and leaning against me. Wrapping my arm around him, I gave him a sort of side hug until I saw Jimmy and Amelia come towards us.

"Are you ok?" Amelia asked and Cas shrugged.

"I uhhh I kinda hit dad." Jimmy said, Cas immediately standing up.

"You did what?"

"It was just a slap.....but I'm pretty sure he hates my guts now too."

"Why would you do that? Why sacrifice the relationship you have with him for me? Are you really ok with me know?" Cas asked, Jimmy placing his hands on his shoulders.

"I did it cause you're my brother. I would never hesitate, Cas. Gay or straight, I have your back. Besides, the old man deserved it." Jimmy said, Cas pulling him into a tight hug. Awwwww. When I saw Amelia join in on the hug, I couldn't help myself either. At least something good came outta all this. To further boost morale, we decided to go snorkeling with Sam and Gabriel tagging along. The weather was perfect today and we go to explore some caves too that were kinda like lagoons. Climbing onto the rocks and out of the water, I saw Cas adjust his goggles as I hobbled over to him.

"This is pretty damn cool." I said as he smiled at me.

"It's one of my favorite activities to do here actually."

"So there is something you like." I joked as he playfully hit my arm. A moment later I saw Jimmy cannonball himself into the lagoon, Amelia being loudly offended by the splash as Gabriel and Sam laughed at the whole thing.

"Ya's pretty romantic. What if we made out on the rocks in your favorite cave lagoon?" I joked, wiggling my eyebrows as he looked shocked for a moment before pushing me into the water. When I came back up to the surface, I heard Sam laugh at me.

"What did you do to deserve that, jerk?"

"Guess making out in a cool cave is a no go. I'll get him next time." I said, Sam shaking his head at me before pushing me down under the water. We wrestled for a bit before our snorkeling instructor yelled at us. Oops. After our snorkeling adventure, we all relaxed on lounge chairs on the beach, Kelly joining us with Chuck. Kelly looked a bit off though, but after we all realized Chuck was being a bit overbearing with her carrying his first grandchild......yeah Kelly's reaction made a lot more sense.

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