Chapter 4

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Dean's POV
"Did Cas have a wilder night than you?" Gabriel asked, gesturing to the empty seat next to me. Oh.....they don't know what happened. Should I tell them? I dunno. Well they don't need to know everything.

"Ummm you could say that.....he ummm.....he kicked me out."

"Why?" Amelia asked, scaring me as I didn't even notice she was there. Jimmy looked curious too, but more hungover than she was. He did party a bit hard last night.

"Well umm...." I said, most of the group staring at me. Thankfully Chuck wasn't there, dealing with business like usual, so I felt a bit more at ease.

"We got into a fight. It was....personal. One thing led to another and an angry Cas literally shoved me outta the room. Sometimes I forget how he's stronger than he looks." I said, taking a sip of coffee. Ah fuck it's hot.

"So where did you sleep?" Sam asked.

"The beach. The hammocks are pretty comfy. Unless you fall out of them. Woke up to a kid poking me with a stick yet their mom was the one mad at me. Fucking Karen."

"Does she look like a stereotypical Karen wearing shirts with beach puns on it?" Gabriel asked and I nodded.

"I hate her. One of her kids bit me a few years back and I'm still not over it. Saw the same kid the other day and he was peeing in the pool. I snitched on him, but then he covered my beach towel in sunscreen and said that's what the gay towel deserves."

"He shouldn't be calling towels gays just cause you're gay." I said, only for Sam to say the towel does look pretty gay.

"It's rainbow and has unicorns on it. I bought it as a joke, but turns out he loves it." Sam said, looking embarrassed as Gabriel kissed his cheek.

"I think it's a beautiful towel. It's also super absorbent and fluffy.....until it was ruined with sunscreen." Gabriel said, continuing to go on his rant about this kid. Cas didn't show up the entire time we were at breakfast, so I just sorta wandered the beach and resort for hours until I came back to the pool area. I noticed Cassie at the bar, cleaning the tabs, and ya know what? Maybe....maybe she could give me advice. We got into fights all the time, so ya know. Taking a seat and making her notice me, she walked over and crossed her arms.

"Listen....I know we're not on good terms."

"Hell no we ain't."

"But I could use someone to talk to." I said, making her laugh.

"You? Talking? That's a good joke, Dean."

"I serious, Cassie. I care about this person and I dunno.....I think I fucked up again." I said, Cassie seeming a bit interested.

"Who's this person we're talking about?"

"My.....boyfriend." I said, checking her reaction. Surprisingly it was ok.

" know I didn't wanna assume when we were dating, but you seemed like you liked Dr. Sexy a bit too much." She said, and I wanted to defend myself, but she was right. Maybe I am a bit gay. I mean....I do like Cas. I like being with him, seeing him happy, kissing him. This fight wasn't as bad as some others I've had, but it's hitting me in a way I've never experienced. Or at least now that I'm sober.

"Well what happened with you and your man? I can't help if you won't spill the beans."

"We got into a fight.....I'll spare the personal details, but basically I kinda said I like being his friend. That things will be better when we breakup. I was drunk and it was mid make out session and it's all a mess. Cas said I shouldn't have played with his emotions and he's right. It's all my fault and I don't know what to do. God, I was an ass."

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