Chapter 7

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I practically held my breath as everyone ate the bites of the new dish. Their faces all ranged differently. Ino looked almost amazed, which was a great moral booster. I got an eyebrow raise out of Shikamaru, but he took another bite so I assume that means it's at least interesting to him. Ikuto rubbed his chin in thought as he chewed. This isn't the first time he's been my taste tester. Actually he's pretty darn good at catching what it needs. But this is a hard one.

"It's getting closer... What did you do differently this time?" He asked.

"Green onions instead of Vidalia, a fourth a cup of sugar, and I substituted soy sauce for Worcestershire sauce."

I watched the thought form on his face as he took another slow bite. But it wasn't his voice that brought the highly anticipated advice on what this recipe was needing. "Use brown sugar instead of regular." Choji said.

My eyebrows shot up as I watched him happily continue to munch away on his portion. "Uh... Brown sugar?"

"Yeah. My mom does it all the time. The meat is great, but the sauce is fighting with itself. My mom says brown sugar is richer and is better for things like marinades and sauces. Try that."

..... Holy crap. I did not see that coming. Everyone else was sharing my thoughts too since hey were giving him disbelieving looks. There's no way it could be that simple. I ran to the island and pulled out a small pot and began to make my sauce, adding all my changes from this time and using brown sugar. When it was done, I took a tiny taste test... and had to support myself on the counter. I can't believe it. It's perfect.

Ikuto walked over and dished a small bit on his plate to take a test himself. "Oh my God." He said it slowly, like he couldn't believe it either.

This recipe... I've been struggling with it for so long, making myself mad, wanting to give it up. But with in one small taste, this beautiful man was able to tell me exactly what it needed. He said it was something his mother does, advice she had given him. What else has she told him? I need to pick this man's brain.

I righted myself and walked over to Choji with determination. He was still enjoying the dish when I stopped in front of him. "What?" He asked with a gulp.

My hands reached out and tightly grasped his. "Choji, I need you." I watched as his face turned very, very, very red.

"Uh, w-what?! We just, you know, met!"

"Not like that you goof." Ino and Ikuto were trying not to laugh and Shikamaru slowly shook his head back and forth. "I need your great taste and that beautiful stomach of yours."

"Um... What?"

I ran over to the kitchen to grab my magic box and set it in front of him. "I write all my own recipes. Ikuto is my gardener and has been my taste tester for a long time. He's pretty good at it. But you." I grabbed his hand and smiled. "You have a gift. Please, be my taste tester." Then another idea popped in my head. "Oh, and introduce me to your mom too."

His jaw dropped and everyone else started to laugh. "W-w-w-why?!"

"Oh my God! His face!" Ino was near tears as she held her sides.

"Ally, there's a such thing as subtly!" Ikuto cried.

"Oh would you three knock it off already?" I looked back to Choji. "You said that was your mother's tip, right? I want to talk to her about other tips she might have. Would you introduce me?"

Choji had a very red face and was only able to nod slowly. I cheered and tossed my arms around him. Finally, maybe I can get some insight on how to better some of these recipes! Shikamaru cleared his throat. "This is painful to watch." But he only patted Choji on the back as I drew away. What is that supposed to mean?

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