Chapter 1

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Dean's POV
"A vacation?"

"Yeah. My friend's allowed a plus one so he invited me, but once I mentioned my sad brother who's gonna spend Christmas getting drunk alone in his apartment-"

"Heyyy....I like getting drunk alone in my apartment thank you very much." I said, defending myself.

"Well, he said I could drag your sorry ass along too. Unless you have plans besides your drunk Christmas." Sam said, going on about how I've been lonely and wallowing from my last breakup. I knew I would fuck it up with Cassie sooner or later, but that shit still hurt when she dropped the bomb on me and dumped my ass. It may have been a year ago, but time flies when you're depressed. Not that I'd admit that to anyone, let alone my own brother. Yeah I've tried a date every now and then, maybe a hookup or whatever, but it always ended up dry. I even tried to go to a gay bar for Christ's sake, but it just intimidated me and I left after 10 minutes like a damn coward. They probably thought I was bad.

"I don't need a vacation to fix my being down the in the dumps, Sammy."

"Not even a tropical vacation at a 5 star resort in Hawaii?"

"Dude. You should've led with that." I said, immediately sitting up on my couch.

"My are you in?" He asked, making me think for a moment. Taking a look around my small and sad apartment, I realized spending Christmas here would be like any other day to be honest. I didn't even have a Christmas tree or anything, unless you count the snow globe I had of a reindeer that my friend Cas got me last year.

"Yeah....I'm in. I'll pack my swim trunks."

"You don't own any swim trunks, Dean."

"Shut up."

I hate planes, always have, but at least we had very mild turbulence and I was able to watch a few of my favorite movies to distract myself. Once we landed, I saw some guy waving over to us and Sam told me that's his friend.

"Heyo, D-dawg. Hmmm you're shorter than I'd thought you'd be."

"S-shorter? Well not everyone is a fricking giant like Sam the moose here." I said, Sam hitting me with his shoulder.

"I'm Gabriel, in case Sammy hasn't introduced me yet." The guy said, shaking my hand. I was surprised Sam was ok with someone else calling him that nickname, but looking over at him I saw he just gave me his usual bitch face that said "don't ask".

"We'll head off soon, but I'm waiting for my brother. He should be arriving soon......ah there he is." Gabriel said, waving his arms to get his brother's attention. Turning around, I was shocked to see my friend Cas coming over. I knew he had a brother named Gabriel, but that's not that uncommon a name.

"'s a surprise to see you. I thought you were spending Christmas alone this year." Cas said, adjusting the strap on his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah......I was gonna.....but my little bro convinced me to join him and Gabriel for vacation. Gabriel invited Sam and said Sam could invite me. So yeah." I explained, feeling a bit too wordy, but no one seemed to care.

"Well this should be fun. Shall we, boys?" Gabriel said, gesturing to the direction of the exit as we followed him. We all piled in the small rental car, Gabriel behind the wheel and Sam in the passenger seat while me and Cas were stuck in the back.

"Why are we in the back?" I asked, Sam sticking his tongue at me as Gabriel laughed.

"Cause Sammy won't fit in the back, duh. I like him more too." Gabriel said, Sam shaking his head and muttering "shut up".

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