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The elevator jolted slightly as it reached the ground floor.

You stretched, quickly returning your hands to your sides not wanting to look bizarre when the doors slide open.

You exhale, body slumping slightly due to your fatigue.

You stepped out of the heavy mechanical box, shoes becoming uncomfortably louder as they transitioned from a thin tile to the expensive marble floors of the lobby.

Quite an extravagant lobby at that.

It was large, there were two large elevators on each side of the room, one almost behind the counter probably, you thought due to it being the only one with access to the staff floors.

The counter itself was lavish and had a bowl of peppermints on it's surface, rather old looking though, you would think they were black liquorice.
Maybe there were not many children staying at the hotel, either that or boiled sweets were just not the preferred bite of fontainian children.

I'm There was a wide sitting area and the open entrance to the restaurant parallel to it.

You begun to walk towards the restaurant when you heard something that made you cower back into the elevator and press the close door button rapidly.

"Is Y/n L/n staying here?" The unmistakable voice of Issac bothering the receptionist who simply replied with polite response explaining why his request was a blatant violation of guest privacy.

You fumble in the elevator, tripping over your own feet as you scramble towards the buttons desperately trying to get away

The doors of the elevator slid closed cutting of the majority of the sounds of the lobby.

"Y/n sweetie its nine in the morning....." Emi groaned groggily she was wearing a semi transparent dressing gown over her nightdress that screamed her typical fashion.

Her hair was messier than usual and what looked like a burn on her neck

You could have sworn you heard shuffling in her room but you chose not to mention it.

"I'm sorry but I just got worried because Isaacwas askingthereceptionistaboutwhereIwasandIreallyreallydontwanthimdoing-" you blurted out too fast for your tired cousin to comprehend.

"Okay Y/n babes. Come speak to me at lunch, I was already thinking of moving you somewhere due to the prophecy here in Fontaine, I think I can work something out for you, you just may not like it."

You breath a sigh of relief. "Thanks Emi." She smiles at your words before shooing you away jokingly.

She closed the door and you most definitely heard talking in her room.


You sat at your table picking at the tart in front of you not really having the appetite for a bite despite being the first bit of food you had touched all day.

You lightly tapped the table leg with your foot, head flicking around the room to see if you could spot your cousin.

You finally see her walk in the restaurant and spot you, she was wearing a blouse that was very bad at hiding the red hickies on her neck and collar bones, if that's what its intended purpose was.

'I'll ask her about it next time we've both overdone the drinks' you think to yourself as she sits.

"So. As i mentioned this morning I was planning to relocate you temporarily because of the prophecy but when i said you might not like it I actually meant, you've got to chose between dissolving possibly since you're half Fontainian or...." She paused drinking her small glass of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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