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"Y/n, darling? Are you in there?" You heard the soft ring of Diluc's voice.

"Yeah." You said and in response he opened the drawing room door and sat beside you on the sofa.

You were holding a photo album from your teenage years that you spent at your uncle and aunt's faction in Fontaine.

After you had ran from your father's house you had ran to the nearest station and caught a train to the border using money that you had stashed in your piggy bank.

You went to Fontaine and basically crawled to your cousins house.

Your mums side of the family were anti-fatui so when you rocked up at their door and told them everything, they were quick to take you in.

When you're aunt and uncle died you life had become unfulfilled again despite your many cousins and family friends.

At the age of 19 you took a *fontrain for the third fresh start of your life, becoming a close ally to the knights of favonius specifically Jean who had quickly become your best friend.

And then you met Diluc at an event that Eula had dragged you too.

You were left alone with him by your friends, making things awkward for a while because every turn you took you kept bumping into each other.

The last time you 'bumped' into him he actually pointed at you.
He was surrounded by a group of women that he later told you were people's daughters that they threw at him in an attempt to marry them off.
"Yup that's her, so sorry but I can't take any proposals sorry!" He said in a slightly agitated tone to the crowd.

"Please just go along with it." He whispered to you taking your hand and walking away.

You both found a drawing room with a chess table and quickly clicked after the two of you played an impossibly complicated game of chess eventually getting politely shoved out by the host when the party had ended.

The album had a photo gently placed in the back cover of the book of you and Diluc on your 23rd birthday watching a meteor shower on a picnic rug.

You remembered the surprise party Jean had threw for you that day, she really was a great friend.

You smiled at the photo and you felt Diluc press a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"I'm going on a trip today, I'll be back at ten-ish again." He said sauntering out of the room.

You slouched in disappointment, you and Diluc had been dating for two years and you had been friends for four and yet he never made any time for you.

You understood he was a busy man but would it kill him to spend more time with you than killing fatui.

You heard the winery doors close and you dragged yourself off of the sofa.

You picked up your paint kit and easel and decided to paint today.

"Miss Y/n would you like any help carrying that stuff out?" Adelaide asked as you came past her.

"No thanks Addie, but could you fetch me some (drink) please." The head maid nodded and scurried off enthusiastically.

'She certainly loves her job huh?' You thought deciding what angle of the winery to paint.

You saw Adelaide walking towards you with a tray of snacks and (drink).

"Thanks." You said flashing her a warm smile that she reciprocated.

"Anything else I can do for you Y/n?"

"It's going to sound weird but could you stand under that tree for a photo? I need something to paint today and I think you'll make a beautiful portrait." Adelaide giggled at you request and obliged as you took out your Kamera and captured the sight of the head maid of dawn winery basking in the warm midday sun.

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