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As you pushed open the winery door Adelaide ran up to you a distraught look on her face.

"Y/n, I have something to tell you. I can't hide it any longe-"

"I know Addie, I've known for a while. I'm leaving tonight. Could you prepare me a horse." She nodded sadly before enveloping you in a hug and lightly sobbing into your shirt.

She whispered I'm sorrys as she cried before running out quietly to ready a horse.

You quietly walked up the stairs.

You could hear them kissing from outside the door. You braced yourself before pushing the door open.


You were right. You knew that but that small bit of doubt in your mind was well and truly gone.

You opened the door to see Diluc pushing Jean up against the wall. He hands were beginning to unbutton his shirt and there were visible hickeys on her neck and her top was half off.

The pair took a second to process that you had just opened the door.

They jumped off each other quickly and awkwardly made themselves decent.

"Y/n I swear it's not what it looks like!" Diluc began frantically.

"I saw you two in the library." You said cutting him off.

Jean averted her gaze.

"How long before then have you two been doing this?" They both stayed quiet.

"No reply?"


You turned to Diluc.

"What makes you think you're too good for me and makes you do this, huh?" You braced yourself for what you were about to say wondering if going there would be a bad idea.

"You always would come crying to me about your nightmares from when your father died, do you think Crepus would be proud of you now? Do you think he'd be proud that his son was an unfaithful liar?! Do you think he'd be proud of his son that let another woman into your bed!?" You had clearly struck a nerve.

Normally the mention of his father made Diluc flip out but now he cowered in shame.

"There were countless nights I spent awake tending to you when you had night terrors. Countless nights where I bandaged your wounds or ignored it when you didn't come home. I asked nothing but love from you and you didn't even have the decency to be faithful to me?"

"And you." You said turning to Jean.

"When I told you I was dating Diluc you were so happily for me. You were my number one supporter and I thought you were my best friend, Jean! And you do this behind my back!" Tears began to stream down your face, tears you had been holding for a while.

"You do this to the friend, who did you're work when it was too much for you, who looked after Klee when you couldn't, and who'd support you when nobody else did. And you do this to me! I never wanted anything back from you Jean! I trusted you!" You said finally letting your emotions take over.

"Fuck both of you! I am sick of everyone lying to me! Heck, you even got Addie in on it. ADDIE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! When I walked in the manor door she cried to me! You burdened her with the secret of your affair! You made her lie to me every day!" You stood there sniffling.

"I'm done."

"I'm done with you and I'm done with the knights and I'm done with Mondstat!"

"The day i found out was the day I decided I am going back to Fontaine!"

"If I ever come back I hope the fatui have burned the winery and brutally killed you two in it." You began to walk out.

"I'm done." You said bitterly, slamming the door and storming out of the manor.

☄. *. ⋆

"Tough day?" Verr said handing you a chocolate out of the reception jar.

"I guess you could say that." You said solemnly, popping the chocolate in your mouth and sucking it gently.

You walked onto the large balcony of wangshuu inn, walking down to your room for what felt like forever.

You slid the door open, quickly shutting it behind you before flopping onto your bed.

Your tears had begun before you could stop them.

You and Diluc had been together for almost four years and he had just thrown you away the moment it was convenient for him. He was tired of you and thought cheating on you would be the best thing to do.

The tears had made your cheeks swell, knocking you out quickly.

. *. *・゚:*・・ 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

You woke up feeling worse than you did last night

Your cheeks were still tear stained and you felt unimaginably drained.

You forced yourself up, changing your outfit into something more Fontaine appropriate.

You wore a loose white button down shirt and a pair of dark brown shorts.

You did your hair then grabbed your large suitcase to check out of the hotel.

Adelaide had ended up giving you a cart ride to the inn so you never ended up needing a horse. But now you needed transport to the Fontrain* .

Verr told you that there was miners from the chasm who would probably let you on their cart and sure enough they did.

You waited in the restaurant until the cart was loaded and the miners waved you over

This was your new start

Fontrain* made up train line that runs from the top of Liyue through the Fontaine countryside and ends up at the Sneznaya - Fontaine border.

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