chapter 9

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Kim's pov

"Hello , Kinn?"


"It's me , Kim , come here right now"

I hanged up the phone , not letting Kinn finish his line , damn it , how did this happen? Why would they come in my house? It was too dangerous , especially when Macau is here , living with me , I let out a sigh , I could feel he was staring at me , he's skillful , very much , more than O expected , his reactions and moves were very fast , I was quite shook for the first time , Macau could really help me with some works but I can't put him in any danger , Vegas will kill me if I do

Talking about Vegas , if he knows that some intruder entered my house , he will come in right away , he saved me once , I look into Macau's eyes , they were hiding something , something from me , I narrowed my eyes when I heard footsteps , again!? Macau grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side , hiding us , his abrupt move made me collide my chest against his , he was shorter than me , I could feel his breath upon my neck


I put my hand over his mouth , I heard footsteps , they were getting closer , closer to the room , I pushed the door and instantly tries to punch him but he blocked my move

"Kinn? Oh my fucking god , you could've called me"

"How could I? What if there were more intruders?"

I let out a sigh , what a nightmare , I saw Kinn's eyes was on Macau

"Couldn't let him be by himself , Vegas would kill me if his beloved brother got hurt"

"For sure?"

"Yes , for sure dude , his brother is a fucking psychopath and a fucking machine killer"

Just then , out of no where , I was hit from behind , what the fuck was that? It feels like I got hit by something metal , it was fucking hard , I scratch my head , man what the hell , I looked behind , fuck , I forgot Macau wa here

"Don't badmouth about my fucking brother you fucking jerk , you think you're so cool? So what if he killed people? So did you do shit , I don't badmouth about your pathetic brothers , don't badmouth about mine"

He said the word 'mine' firmly , he left the room without another word , was I too harsh? Nah I don't care , I don't give a fuck about him , my heard was hurting a lot , God damn it , I looked down and saw a pocket knife , why the hell would he keep that? Fuck man , that hurts a lot

"Are you both always like this?"

"No , just tell me who're they , why the hell were they here?"

"Apparently , those pistols they had belong to the An mansion"

"How would you know?"

"Those aren't guns but pistols , those bullets are way more expensive than the worth of your life , the An mansion is the one who would be able to afford these plus because of the pistols , when I had a meeting with them , I saw all his bodyguards carrying these pistols"

Then why were they here?

"I'll deal with them , just keep Macau safe"

"Why should I? I don't really give a fuck about him"

"Learn to be more polite with him , I mean he was right about his brother , you shouldn't have badmouth about him"

"Who's side are you on exactly?"

"None , now goodbye and take care"

I nodded , Kinn left , at least he'll deal with this , I let out a sigh , I picked up the pocket knife and left the guest room , I went to his room and opened the door , I saw him , I threw the pocket knife at him and he caught it , his reflex were fast , he was mad , mad about me badmouthing about his brother , his phone rang , he hang up the call , I heard my phone ringing and it was Kinn , I picked it up

"Im going out"

Macau said

"Where to?"

"None of your business for sure"

Damn , that's harsh , he left the room , I let out a sigh , what a pain , I rub my temples , I put the phone to my ear , ready to talk 


He called my name , I went outside his room , seeing a horrified look on his face

"What's wrong?"

"There were 3 men"


"What do you mean?"

"I beat one of them and he was here , now he's gone"

Shit! Fuck man , I called Kinn

"There's one of them that escaped , what if they go and report back!?"

"He won't go too far , I stabbed him in his leg"

I nodded , Kinn heard it and hanged up , fuck! This isn't good

"Macau , you're going out right? Then let me drop you , I can't let you go alone"

"I'm going to meet my friends"

"Yeah , I'll drop you and it's almost evening , just wait a moment"

I went to my room and grabbed my watch , I went back and gave it to him

"There's a small white button , if you clicked it then I'll know you're in danger , it will automatically send your location to me so be wise"

"But Why're you giving it to me? Not like I'll be in danger or anything"

"Can't make sure of that , that one man who ran away can make a big difference"

My guts are telling me something bad will happen soon..

"So where do I drop you?"

"To the mall"

I nodded

"Let's go"

I took my keys and went to my car , putting on my seatbelt , I dropped him at the mall , I wish I could go with him to ensure his safety , he makes me worried for no reason , he got out of my car


He turned around

"I'm sorry for earlier careful"

He kept blinking at me then nodded at last , I drove off back home , I need to hide these bodies , I have some work to do , I hope nothing bad happen , I'm tired as hell today , why do things always get worse for me , it's annoying to fight everyday , why can't I get good rest , I want to sleep so badly but I can't , I called Macau


"What time should I pick you up? Just tell me a time"

"At 8 p.m , the same spot where you dropped me"

I hanged up the phone , I saw on the couch , exhausted

A Marriage Contract •Kim x Macau•Where stories live. Discover now