chapter 20

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Kim's pov

I didn't realise that there would be this many people , there's Porsche , of course , Pete and Vegas , some bodyguards who are close to Kinn and others , if I knew there would be this many people , I wouldn't have came


I looked to the front and saw Kinn , oh my god , I rolled my eyes seeing him

"It's nice to see you though I didn't expect to see you here"


Someone made me come


Macau greeted back

"Why the hell are you hiding behind me?"

"I'm not , it's your fault for being too tall"

I pushed Macau to the front


The table was set outside , next to the pool , there were a large table , I assumed there were food on thst table , the night was beautiful though , I saw Porchay , with a guy who was laughing with him , it seems like I've seen him before , Macau turned his head around and looked at me , I rested my hand on his shoulder

"Let's go sit my love"

He nodded  , we both went to sit , I could feel a pair of eyes eyeing me , I wouldn't be surprised to see it was Vegas who was eyeing me the whole time , Macau sat next to his brother and I sat next to him , I hold Macau's hand under the table

"What're you doing?"

He whispered , his ear red

"Shut up"

I whispered back , he continue to talk to Vegas , a guy came and poured us some beer , I block Macau's glass

"A water would be fine"

Macau looked at me


He wasn't even whispering at this point

"Want me to remind you what happened last time you got drunk?"

I whispered

"You want to repeat the same thing?"

"Oh , shit , right , I forgot"

He whispered


He smiled at me , Kinn was talking to the other's but then I saw Khun , he had a shocked face , I guess it's because he saw me

"What a surprise"

"Yeah , nice to see you too"

I said , drinking my beer in silence

"Glad to see you Macau"

"You too"

Khun went away

"Why can you drink and I can't?"

"Because you can't maintain of how much you drink"

He pursed his lips

"Maybe you're right"

"I'd prefer you to not drink so you wouldn't spill your secrets once again"

"Don't tease me"

He whispered , he squeezed my hand hard

"Continue to squeeze my hand like that and I'll squeeze something else tonight"

"Oh my fucking-"

His face was bright red , I grinned , I could still feel Vegas staring at me , I turned my face to his and gave him a smile , not a genuine smile but a mocking one

"What're you looking at?"

I asked as I saw Macau staring at the guy that Porchay was talking to

"I remember this guy was at my school"


"Yeah and he was one of the guy that liked to bully me"

"How many enemies you got?"

"Trust me , you won't be able to count"

He said as he take a bite of the steak

"This guy wasn't the worse but he always picked on me until he blurted out his confession , I almost laughed in his face because why the hell would you bully someone you like?"

"Make sense , you never fight back?"

He swallow the food and looked at me

"Kim , I was a student , a teenager who had no brain cells and was way too shy to fight , maybe I was trained since I was young but I was actually scared to hurt other's"

"Now you don't"

He nodded , an hour or much more time has passed , I didn't want to go home early because I see that Macau was actually interacting with other's and that genuinely makes me happy , he was smiling , talking to other's , Vegas smiling? That's a new , I mean he always smiles but not a genuine smile , with Macau , it's different , after all they're brothers , Macau do get some characters from Vegas

Pete was a bodyguard of Kinn , never knew how they fell in love , they had a secret relationship? I don't know , I haven't really thought about it , I narrowed my eyes when I saw that guy talking to Macau , I didn't know outsiders were allowed to be here , Macau was smiling , I saw Khun staring at me , I sip the wine in the glass


"Are you hiding something from us?"

"Even if I did , that would be none of your concerns"

"Oh , whatever"

Khun sure do know something by the way he was acting , I looked up to the front , my eyes widen when I saw that guy throwing a glass of wine in Macau's face , I glared at him , what the fuck was he doing!? Was he out of his mind!? What the hell!? I keep my cool , not wanting to intervend ,my hands curled in a fists until I saw him pushed Macau in the pool , did he just? I clenched my jaw and grabbed his fucking collar

"How dare you layed your filthy hands on my husband!?"

I fucking punched the shit out of him , the rage I was feeling right now , I could murdered him right now , I grabbed his neck , glaring at him

"I've killed countless people , don't think just because you're a friend of his , means I'll fucking spare you , you pathetic little shit"

I was pissed , fucking pissed , I kicked him in the stomach as he fell down , I grabbed his shirt

"Put it in your head , I hate people like you , he is my husband and you're what? A fucking student who likes bully people? Is that a life to you? If I see your fucking face again , I'll not spare you"

Letting go of his shirt , I went to see Macau , Vegas helped him getting out of the pool

"Are you alright?"

He nodded quietly , I narrowed my eyes , he was breathless

"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

He shake his head , he was breathing heavily but was also trembling , I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him , I grabbed him , holding him in my arms I carried him to the car , his head rested on my chest


I heard Kinn's voice

"Is that what you called a dinner event? What if things would've been worse?"

"I didn't know-"

"No , I don't want to know anything now"

I said as I carried Macau back to the car , I drove back home

A Marriage Contract •Kim x Macau•Where stories live. Discover now