chapter 2

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Macau's pov

My alarm started ringing as I sat up , man I was too tired , I slept late at night , I yawn as I went to the bathroom , yesterday I visited the house knowing that I don't know anywhere or anything here , I found my room because my things were there , I got out of the shower and put on my uniform , I checked the time , I still had time to stop at the canteen

I took my bag and left my room , I went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water , I didn't see Kim , maybe he was still sleeping? I let out a sigh , damn , I'm so happy that school has finished , I'm going to take some of my papers and return the books I've borrowed from the library , I put on my jacket and leave , I believe I shouldn't disturb him , I took the bus and arrived to school quite early

I stopped at the canteen and brought a ham sandwich


I looked up , seeing my friend , Boun

"Hey man"

"You came so early today"

"Yeah , I took the bus"


Boun has been my friend since first year

"Where's your motorbike?"

"Didn't have gas"

I lied , I need to make a stop later at Phi's house to take my some of my belongings

"Well come sit with us"

I nodded and followed him , I saw Chaiya , another friend of mine and Achara , Boun and Achara are siblings , she has a girlfriend who is the school's beauty , she's very popular and beautiful , Chaiya isn't close to me that much since we meant through Boun

"Macau , we're handing out tonight , come with us"

"Nah , I pass , I really want to stay home"


"Another time"


I smiled

"Ya'll , let's go inside now"

I nodded

Kim's pov

The light is so fucking annoying , I rubbed my eyes , I let out a sigh as I stood up , seeing the time , I slept through morning , it was afternoon , 1 p.m , I barely got any sleep last night , I can't believe Kinn made me married to such an annoying person , man , it irritates me so damn much , we aren't even friends , I've only meant him once or twice , he's so annoying agreeing to married me

I went to the bathroom , seeing my eyes were red , I took a shower and left my room , I noticed there weren't any sounds , I saw him nowhere , God such a relief , just what was Kinn thinking? I wonder where he went , I went to the kitchen and took some water to drink , I went to my room again , sitting down I saw my guitar

The sight of the guitar reminiscing me of Chay , I still can't move on from him , these days still haunts me , It feels so surreal to be married to someone from the minor family , ugh , disgusting , I still love Chay , he's someone I can't forget easily , even if we dated only for some months , I still loved him , these days were just something else , moving on was hard , I can't do so , I let out a sigh , hours went by , I suddenly heard my phone ringing

It was Kinn , why would he be calling? I took the call

"Come home , we need to talk"

I hang up the phone , I took my jacket and went out of my room , closing my door , I opened the front door , when suddenly I bumped into Macau , compared to me he was shorter than me , he was a medium size , to think of it , he's the same height of Chay , he was in a school uniform , didn't he finished school? Why do I even care? I went to my car

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business"

The look on his face was taken back , I got inside my car and drove to Kinn's house , I don't really want to see their face but his voice seemed worrying , I know Kinn very much , he doesn't really call me , they don't call me , if Kinn calls , that means it's important , I drove faster and got there in 10 minutes , I parked my car and got out , walking to the house , I saw Kinn in the living room

I didn't see Khun nor anyone else , only Kinn , it was suspicious

"Let's talk in my room"

That was even more suspicious , I followed him to his room , he closed the door , I furrowed my eyebrows

"Do you remember Wong Chen by any chance?"

I nodded , I remember that guy

"He's not dead"

Not dead?

"How so?"

"He was hiding and all this time we thought he was dead , this is serious , I need your help , there's some papers he have that belong to us , some personal information"


"And I need to you to kill him"

"What's your plan?"

"I'm gonna go to their house and get the papers , I heard that he's gonna be at the 0.7 rosemary abandoned basement , a place where there are drug dealers and a place for robbers to hide , there will be at least 30 men with him , I want you to kill him"

"And why can't you take your bodyguards to do so?"

"Because you're more skillful , even if my bodyguards are strong but I still need someone trusted to do this and someone more skillful , you know the moves of Wong Chen Well"

I see

"What do I get in return?"

"What do you want?"

"The contract to end"

"I can't do that"

"Why that?"

"Kim , it's a fucking contract for fuck sake , I can't redeem a contract"

"Fair enough"

I let out a sigh

"I need 5 bodyguards , those who're skillful"


"What time should I get there?"

"Around 8 p.m"

"Got it"

I walked away


I stopped

"Don't get yourself killed"


I took my car and drove back to my house , I let out a deep sigh , knowing that I should prepare my gun and some bullets , It's been a while since I last went to a mission

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