The Start of the Heroes Journeys

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Sarah would walk onto the Campus of UA. She looked around, now wearing the uniform, she felt out of place just due to her.....lie of her quirk, she just had to make was not revealed. She looked down at her Pipboy, and rubbed it.

Her mind lingered on what she had done, who she had lost....her dad...those she saw a family, even those she considered family. It was rough.....with everything she went through. She did remember the lessons, each one gave her.

Her father made her focus on the greater good, even if you must sacrifice yourself to protect it.

Elder Lyons showed her that even if you must adapt, even if that breaks the codes you were raised on.

Sarah....Sarah Lyons, she taught that you can't have control of everything. 

As she walked into the campus, Sarah walked up the steps, looking around, until she found the door, a door tall enough to let in a Super Mutant easily, maybe even a deathclaw or something larger.....not a behemoth. Sliding it over, she entered and looked for a seat, finding one.

"Hey, My name is Ashido Mina. Nice to meet you." a girl with pink skin and black eyes said.

"I'm Sarah." she answered, offering a hand to shake, a little nervous as she looked around the classroom.

"What's your family name?" A girl with black hair asked.

"Family name? Ummmm, Wander." Sarah said, having to make a name up....mostly cause....her father never told them their last name, she had just been called a Wanderer. It was as much a name to her, as it was a title.

"It's nice to meet you. I am Yaoyorozu Momo." the introduction was formal.

The classroom was slowly filling up. Then came in Nora. She looked a bit more...nervous. She wasn't as seemingly confident as she was...her hair was a bit messier. She walked to a desk and placed her elbows on the table and placed her hands on her face, as if she was trying to hide it. She was muttering something to herself.

Sarah would get up and walk towards her.

"Hey. It's good to see you again." Sarah said.


Valery was nervous, she looked at UA, the Uniform on her was for a very prestigious school.

"Well, School again, but this time as a hero." Nora said, she adjusted her glasses as she looked up at the building.

"Yeah. This will be boring." Misty said, sagging her shoulders.

"We are going to be going against the strongest and Smartest, it will be fun to see them broken and bowing before me." Eclipse said, smiling, she walked forward, walking in. 

Valery would walk inside of the school, climb the steps and find the room. She wasn't the first one here, there were a few present actually. Nora stood by the chalk board, seemingly looking at everyone, and writing down information on some notes.  Misty just laid down on ground, arms behind her head and dozed off on the floor. Eclipse was sizing everyone up. Valery just sat down in her desk and covered her face.

"They aren't real. I'm in control. I'm real, I am the original personality." She told herself to comfort herself.

"Hey Nora." a girl said.

Valery looked up and saw Sarah.

"I'm Valery. Nora is over there." Valery answered pointing at an empty space by the chalk board.

"Oh. Well. I'm Sarah. Ummmm, ok?" She asked.

Valery looked down, she had taken off her pip-boy, and had only a single hit of Mentats, Jet and a Stimpack. Should she just......swap out.

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