During the Battle Arc

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House was adjusting the suit. The robotic Body was specially made, it had a small screen on the face, and he had found program to animate his face to give him a more human like. Entering the room, House was met by a few individuals connected to the  United States Government.  This was one of the few meetings he would make across the area of what was the United States. To House's surprise, there were 2 countries that claim to be the True United States, and 1 that was a made up of the new America. 

The United States was made up of Northwest, Southwest and the western half of the Four States Commonwealth, they were a semi-pure democracy, representatives for national issues, but mass voting once a week for state affairs.

The Republic of Texan States made up of Eastern four state commonwealth, the Northern Commonwealth and the former states of Louisiana, Kansas and Nebraska.

The Federal states of America were nearly everything East of the Missouri River with one or two exceptions, that of Arkansas and Louisiana. 

He planned to pitch the idea that they were exclusively going to be the ones receiving the offer.

"You are wishing to offer us a supply of combat robots for military use?" 

"Yes, that is the case. I  know where is are growing hostilities with your neighbors, wishing to complete the United States as they were before the Quirk Awakening." House said.

"Interesting, what are they capable of?"

"I can offer you mass produced, easy to maintain, or specialized that can be deployed in many situations, but are a bit more maintenance heavy." House explained.

"What can we expect them to do?" 

"Simple. My protectrons will be a stable force that can take on most forces with support. All be it, they are slower. The Sentry bots are heavy hitters, missiles and miniguns are their primary form of armament, and a tank that can move through areas a vehicle would struggle with. I would recommend deciding sooner rather than later, a weapon in the factory isn't one you can use in war." House said.


After recovering from being trapped by that damned dead man, the place he awoke in was better than where he had been left to die, including his surroundings. It took only a day for him to escape the building he was trapped in, 2 to find and gather old junk people had thrown out and was now breaking it all down 

He had fixed his pipboy, and had found that the world he was it was much different from where he was from. Additionally, he had heard news, of a man named the courier, and how he worked with the H&H company, as they produced a machine he knew all to well.

He was sitting on a small bench, reading the tabloids. A world of heroes, they had smaller technology, but that was something he could appreciate, it was a challenge. He was now seeing an ad. In a few months, a expo would take place, technology, on a place known as i-island.

"Perhaps I could visit, and see what I can improve. My dreams may have failed at that damned casino, but now, I have a Big Mountain to rule over." 


"Are you sure he is going to keep up his bargain?" a dry sounding voice asked.

"The Master has promised that he will. He has a grudge with the hero known as Courier. He has not lied yet, and it will be good to ween out the truly weak villains who thought that killing All Might will be easy." a deep, almost echoing voice said.

They turned, seeing the man was standing in a larger training yard, he still had bandages covering his body, as he hadn't fully recovered from how he was found. Scars would defiantly cover his body once he healed. He grabbed one villain, throwing his to the ground and stomped on the throat.

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