Path of Heroes

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6 was looking over the information House had compiled. He wanted to create this air of Mystery around 6, make people see him as a Hero that can do more than what others heroes can't. House had already created a profile for the Hero commission, along with trademarking the name and appearance. The first part of the plan involved a fake attack conducted by a gang that House had hired to commit a robbery.

The bank's alarm went off and they were running out, duffle bags filled with money. 6 stepped out, drawing his Compliance Regulator, he tool aim and fired a single shot, the smoke rising from the impact sight, making the gang members look at 6 surprised.

"Who are you?" One asked.

6 remained silent, before throwing a flashbang that exploded in front of the group, blinding them. He would rush forward, moved fast. A single to the face of the first gangster with a Power fist. They fell down on the spot. A quick turn lead to a second strike landing in the gut of the man next to him. Just as the last of the gang was recovering their sight, they saw 6 standing over two of his friends.

"You bastard! Take this!" he shouted,

They extended their hand and a blast of air came out, releasing a cloud of colored gas. 6 stepped through it fine, the filters in his helmet stopping it from affecting him. Grabbing the wrist of the man, he pulled him back and brought his knee up into the gut of the man, knocking the air out of him. A follow up strike to the chest basically left him unable to move.

6 looked down, getting the binders that House had made, and put them on the gang members, before with a bit of rope, tied them up so they were sitting back to back to back. Pretty quick, people approached 6, surprised and confused.

"Excuse me are you a new Hero?" a person asked, holding up their phone.

"I am a hero." 6 said.

"What's your Name?" she asked.

'You're Name is The Courier.' House told 6.

"I am The Courier." 6 explained.

Police office showed up, and grabbed the gang members, before the media showed up, pointing cameras and asking many question, some wanted to know if he was a rebranding of a pervious hero, or what school he was from.

'Listen closely, make it clear. You are a new hero, you are not apart of a pre-existing agency. You are employed by the House Hero Services, a subsidiary of Robco.'

"I am new to the scene, I am part of the House Hero Services, which is part of Robco."

"What's your quirk?" one reporter asked.

'Quirks are the powers and mutations, your is called targeting system, you will be Using VATS as your "quirk"' House explained

"Oh, it's known as Threat Targeting System. It basically helps me succeed in things like throwing, striking, spotting items too, though...I have to see the item as a threat." 6 stated.

"So you are serving the interests of the reclusive Mister House? How did he find you? Why are you working with him?" A reporter asked.

"That's not the case. I am working with House for the good of everyone. As for how he found me, he had looked through and went for a more, direct approach of recruitment, exclusive with Non-disclosure agreements, I can't say much more now. I have some distance to patrol, cause I am here to deliver some justice." 6 said, before he began to move through the crowd.


Nora was examining the information she had been allowed to look through, primarily, news papers and tabloids. It was her best option to gather cultural and immediate information. However....there was mostly about heroes, Some photoshoot someone going by the name Uwabami did. Someone named Midnight, who looked to be on the verge of violating decency laws, was also in the tabloids, she had apparently released her "Midnight boys" to allow them to move up in the hero world.

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