Finding Home

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Sarah was nervous, she was in a situation that was....hard to explain. She had to explain to Midoriya, Ururaka, and Ida how technically she was homeless, and was basically adopted by the hero Gran Torino. Scratching the back of her head she looked at them.

"Ummmmm, I really don't think I can. My dad is a bit....strict on who comes over." Sarah explained.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Maybe we can come later on." Ururaka said .

"Maybe we can go out and just hang out at the mall. I've only been to a few, and they were not that good. Some gangs had made it a battleground and had it destroyed when I last was at one." Sarah explained, technically telling the truth.

"Wow, that sounds like it was bad, why hadn't any heroes come to stop it?" Ida asked.

"Well, that's the thing, they had, and a lot were hurt trying to. Some how they had a lot of heavy weapons and the place was fortified. So....assaulting it was hard for the local heroes." Sarah explained.

The trio grimaced a bit.

"It must have been rough for you." Ida said.

"Nah, You could say that where I grew up was one of the safest places in terms of physical structurals. Emotionally, I'm sitting on a raft in the ocean during a storm." Sarah said.

"Yeah, with everything that happened, I'm impressed you decided to move to Japan with your relatives." Midoriya said.

"Yeah. I think it's something I needed to do. Oh, I just remembered something I need to do." Sarah said, trying to find a way out.

"What is it?" Midoriya asked.

Sarah felt nervous, she saw in her pipboy was the sword of Toshiro Kago, he had given it to her, as a gift.

"I have to offer prayers to an ancestor of mine. He was.....a Samurai." Sarah lied.

"Do you know what clan?" Ida asked

"His family name was Kago, name Toshiro, but he served the Katabami clan. Our family was able to have his sword passed down, and I wanted to return it to a shrine." Sarah said.

"Oh wow! That's amazing! Can we see the sword?" Ururaka asked, here eyes glowing as if they were stars.

Sarah was nervous about this now.

"I am sorry but I do not carry it with me, it is too precious to be lost." Sarah noted.

She turned to head home, when a car pulled up and the door opened. Inside was a man in a suit, glasses and a fedora.

"Are you Sarah, who Sir Nighteye has been training?" the man asked in a calm, serious tone.

Sarah paused, everyone behind her, had shocked expressions.

"I am, who is asking?" Sarah asked, being cautious.

"Mister House is desiring an audience." The man stated.

"House? Why me?" Sarah asked.

She spotted the pipboy on the man's wrist, and Sarah....had a feeling she knew who this was.

"I expect I will be brought home after this discussion." Sarah said.

"House will provide the transportation to the Nighteye Agency upon the conclusion of the meeting." the man said.

"Very well." Sarah said, stepping inside the limo.

Inside of the Limo, the man placed a Laptop onto a table and opened it. Inside was an image of a suave man was on screen.

"Hello, I am Robert House, and you are Sarah. From what I understand, you are from the East Coast, near Washington DC. Tell me, what is the state of the US's Capital?" House Asked.

"Well, other than the Mutants and Enclave, the Brotherhood is doing a decent job at keeping Order. It's a mess in general though." Sarah said.

"I expected such, I take it you are from a vault, judging by the Pipboy. Looking through the data, I am interested, in some saved data, the map of a ship. and even notes of Liberty Prime. I was curious if that had survived the Great War." House stated.

"Ummmm, what are you wanting?" Sarah asked, nervous.

"I want cooperation. To be more exact, I would like to download the data off of your and the other Pipboy." House said.

"I don't think Valery would be as trusting." Sarah said.

"We will give you time to think on this." House said, as the car stopped.

Sarah looked out and saw that they were at the Nighteye Agency.


6 approached the scene of the attack. Turning the corner, he spotted two people holding up the bank, as two more carried two gym bags full of money. Watching the scene, 6 activated V.a.t.s and targeted the rifles. 2 shots and the guns were broken.

"It's the courier!" One cried out.

"Best surrender now scum, in the name of the law." 6 said.

The 4 turned, each holding pistols. Several more came out, holding guns, all pointed at 6, roughly 13 people in a 180 degree arc around him.

"Looks like we got you outnumber. Any last words hero?" The leader asked.

6 was silent. With a deep breathe, he activated v.a.t.s and selected each target.

"Locked." He said.

Drawing his two pistols, he fired, hitting arms and legs with each shot, injuring all of the villains that surrounded him, before they rested on the leader. The leader would open fire with his machine gun, the bullets hitting 6's armor, before a single shot impacted he leader's hand.

6 put away his pistols, before he took out a laser pistol.

"You have several murder charges on you. I just have to confirm you were dealt with. House, the camera is active?" 6 asked.

"It is." House confirmed.

"Heroes take scum like you and put them in jail, costing people problems with keeping them alive, instead of dealing with those too dangerous to be kept alive. I am exercising Justice. As the jury, you are guilty of crimes against humanity, and the good of this world." 6 began, aiming at the leader.

"As judge, I sentence you to death." He added.

"Hold on! You're a hero. I deserve a fair trial!" The leader protested, pushing himself back on the ground, his body being tracked by 6.

"And as Executioner, I bare the responsibility to end your existence." 6 said, pulling the trigger and a single beam of red light existed for a moment, before the leader of the villains stopped moving, his body slowly loosing it's color, as if it burned from the inside.

For a few seconds, that expression of fear frozen on his face, as it turned to an ashy grey color, then fell in on itself.

"Recording complete." House stated.

Turning to look at the rest of the villains.

"Now, who's surrendering, and who's getting dusted? Hands up if you choose jail." He asked, seeing those that could raise both arms, doing so.


"The plan is simple. According to the schedule, All Might will be in the USJ with Eraser Head, 13, and Courier, we will have our League come out and take down the kids and heroes, then we have the Nomu kill All Might." A raspy voice said.

A man adjusted the glove on his hand. He had a costume made, one that was familiar to him, the weight felt wrong, it was too light, they said it was made with high quality materials. Additionally, the power he was given by this man's "master" was settling in his body.

In 1 day, he would show this world, why he was known as a monster.

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