Man or Monster

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6 spun his blade in his hand, taking up a stance to fight, he rushed forward to put down the monster of the East once more. Rushing forward, 6 ducked under an attack from a bat wielding criminal. Sweeping their legs out from under them, 6 barely slowed before he saw the dark cloud behind Lanius vanish.

"LANIUS!!!" 6 shouted.

The blades once more met and Lanius pushed 6 around, throwing him into the fountain.

"Is this all that you are now? A Weakling?" Lanius taunted.

6 got up, throwing off his wet coat and stepped out.

"Lanius, I killed you, your dogs, and your guards before, and you couldn't beat me after I went through an army of Legionaries. What makes you think this will be any different?" 6 asked.

"It is simple. Unlike last time, I now am superior even man. Now Envoy of the West, prepare to suffer." Lanius said, as he walked forward, dragging the tip of his blade along the ground, approaching 6.

6 grit his teeth, an anger flared through his body he charged forward to fight the second in command of the Legion. Once more, they swung their blades, Lanius using only a single hand to counter 6's attack. 

A strong kick sent 6 back, narrowly staying on his feet before he stopped, using his blade to stay up right. A cloud of dust rushed in, before it formed as a solid being, and a strike was delivered to his side, a strong punch that knocked the air out of him. 

Salt Upon Wounds appeared, his helmet held in a way to show a grin, and his power fist was planted into 6's hip. Salt Upon Wounds took a few steps back, preparing to join the fight.

"So" 6 began, placing his hand on his side, "Looks like I get to kill you White Leg, over, and over again, until I find what can kill you permanently." 6 said, grinning under his helmet. 

Lanius then moved, fast, he swung his blade down on 6. With a block, 6 fell to a knee as he narrowly held the blade back. Lanius lifted the blade back, grabbing the handle of his sword with both hands. With a second hard swing, now with both hands, 6 dodged it narrowly, rolling back away. As the blade slammed into the ground, it was a single clean cut, that left a deep cut through the ground.

An eruption like a geyser came from the water, something happened, was it a villain....or....the students? 6 tightened his grip, he was fighting Lanius to defend them. He was fighting Lanius to put his past behind him. He was fighting the Legate for what they did to him. 

Lanius pulled the blade out and walked forward slowly. 6 got up, drawing his 12.7 submachine gun, and opened fire on Lanius. The bullets penetrated the armor over and over, but Lanius didn't seem to even react as the bullet's hit him. As the magazine ran empty, 6 cast the gun to the side and drew a Grenade launcher, taking aim, the thump sounded and collided with Lanius dead on, exploding.

The smoke cleared and Lanius walked through, his armor scratched.

"Is all that's left of you just these pathetic attempts to try and beat me? You are far from the warrior I faced against in my camp. You are pathetic." Lanius said.

"Shut up!" 6 shouted, annoyed as took out his Blade of the West. 

Salt Upon Wounds ran in, only for his arm to be cut off and then cut in half, his body turning to ash and blowing away in the wind, swirling some ways away, the White Leg  reforming.

6 rushed forward and swung, exchanging a few blows with Lanius, before the Legate used both his hands and swung down. 6 tried to catch the blade, the flat of his blade getting in the way, before blade was cut in half, and the cut followed through, slicing through his helmet and chest plate, cutting through it and drawing blood.

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