Waking the Dead

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Estel's POV

"You both look surprised to see me. So it wasn't either of you that removed the dagger from my chest?" Elijah asks.

"You look like you could do with a drink. And we all have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus asks. Elijah attacks him. Klaus flies through a window. "Easy. I just finished renovating" he tells Elijah. He rushes at Elijah and Elijah crashes into a table, breaking it.

Though I want to break them up. I don't want to risk being killed by accident. So I decide to stay out of it. "You know you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family" Klaus tells Elijah.

Elijah attacks him again, and Klaus is knocked against a coffin. He opens the one next to it, undaggers a young man who is lying inside. I have a flash back of him as Klaus rushes to Elijah and holds him against a closed coffin by his throat. He holds the dagger up threateningly. "Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!" he screams.

"Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with" Elijah tells him.

"Mikael is dead" Klaus says in a calmer tone. As he releases his grip and Elijah stands up, surprised.

"What did you say?" Elijah asks him.

"Mikael is dead, I killed him" I state. He looks at me surprised. "I maybe her reincarnation Elijah, but I am not her. I won't be responsible for fixing what mistakes she believes she has made" I explain.

"She did it with his own weapon. He's gone Elijah. Forever" Klaus states smiling at me.

"Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century" Elijah demands.

"Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them" Klaus tells him.

"There are things that you do not know about your past, Elijah. Your mother's death" I tell him.

"Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me" Klaus adds. Klaus goes to a small table where there is a small urn and removes the lid. He dips the dagger inside then walks over to Kol's coffin.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asks. Klaus places the dagger back into Kol's chest.

"Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again" Klaus tells him.

"What of you?" Elijah asks me.

"I made a promise the night I killed Mikael. That none in your family will be alone again while I live. But if it comes down to it, I will choose my mother and sister first" I state. "Klaus swore no harm will come to them, can you promise that Elijah?" I ask.

"I give you my word, no one will harm your mother or sister" he vows.

"Good" I say. "Now I am going home, I trust you two are done fighting?" I ask. They nod and I left. When I get home, I got ready for bed and called it a night.

(Time skip)

So I was having a normal day. Until my father ended up in hospital. He is getting discharged today. I went with Caroline to collect him. Only to discover her had already checked himself out. After being treat by Meredith Fell. Who is apparently known for using vampire blood to heal some patients.

When we go to leave. I see Elena for the first time since I tried to kill her. I avoid looking at her as Caroline explained the situation and called dad. I hear his phone ring. "I hear his phone" I state.

"I do too" Caroline states. We follow the sound to a medical supply room. Caroline opens the door and we walk in. We pass numerous shelves and at the back of the room they see Bill's dead body sitting upright on the floor against a shelf with a knife in his chest. Caroline gets on her knees beside him. "Dad! Dad?" Care cries.

"Oh my god" Elena says.

"Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead! Oh my god!" Care cries. She pulls the knife out and drops it on the floor. "Daddy" she cries and I kneel beside her. Hugging her.

"Caroline. Estel, he has vampire blood in his system" Elena tells us. Suddenly dad wakes up. When he realizes what happened, he decided not to go through with the transition. This made Care more upset. But I understand where he is coming from. Hell, if not for Caroline I would have made the same decision.

"Dad, I respect your decision and I am sorry for not making the same one. But Caroline needed me" I tell him.

"I know, I am glad she has you. I want you to continue to watch out for her" he tells me.

"Always" I tell him. I get a text. It's from Elijah, he wants me to come over. "I have to go take care of something, know that I love you and will miss you" I tell him. He nods his head and I left. "You need to talk to him Care, I'll be back soon" I tell her. She nods and I left the house.

I arrive to see Damon with Elijah. I go to speak, but Elijah signals me to remain silent. I do so. I follow them to the coffin room. Where I see the others have been undaggered. Elijah has innocent people feed them their blood. We the leave and he hands me a tray covered in a clothe.

"Elijah...why haven't you left? Estel, what a surprise" Klaus says.

"Where are you manners, brother? We forgot dessert" Elijah tells him removing the cover. Revealing the daggers.

"What have you done?" Klaus asks him.

"What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now" Elijah tells him. Kol enters the room.

"Long time, brother" Kol says. Klaus starts to back away. Finn suddenly appears, and he grabs a dagger and stabs Klaus through the hand. He rushes away, but runs into Rebekah. Who stabs him with another dagger.

"This is for our mother" she tells him. She pulls the dagger out and Klaus falls back into Kol's arms. Kol restrains him. Elijah looks at Damon and Stefan.

"You're free to go. This is family business" Elijah tells them. They leave. He looks at me. "You may go or stay Estel" he tells me.

"My father is dying, we may not be close. But my sister needs me" I tell him. I look at Klaus. "Remember my promise Klaus, same goes to you Elijah. Rebekah, Kol and Finn know that the same promise applies to all of you" I state. I leave and go home. Where I find mum and Care crying on the couch. I hug them both. "Everything will be ok" I promise them.


Picture above of Finn, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol. Picture on the external link of Estel.

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