Elena's Birthday

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Estel's POV

"Honestly it's only for a couple of nights, three tops Katherine" I state as I packed.

"But we're getting close" she states.

"Yes and Caroline has been hounding me all summer. It's Elena's 18th birthday tonight and a girl only turns eighteen once" I tell her. "Look I'll be back soon and we can continue our search for a way to kill Klaus" I state. "You know I want him dead as much as you" I remind her.

"Fine, I'll trial him and Stefan alone. Call me when you're ready to return to our search and I'll tell you where we are" she tells me. I nod my head and grab my suitcase.

"Good bye Katherine" I say.

(Time skip)

I arrive home and head for the town square. Where I see Caroline on the phone and eavesdrop. "You were never going to which is why I planned it anyway. And my mom wants you to call her" she tells me.

"Did she find something?" I hear Elena ask.

"An animal attack in Memphis. It's the third one this week in Tennessee" Care states. Sounds like they're tracking Stefan.

"And you're sure it's a vampire?" Elena asks her.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus" Care tells her. She spots me and smiles brightly. "Well call her on her cell. I gotta go" she tells Elena. "Wear something pretty" she adds before hanging up. "Estel!" she squeals and hugs me tightly.

"Hi Caroline, have a good summer?" I ask her.

"Would of been better if my big sister was here" she states.

"Well I'm here now, put me to work" I tell her.

"She means put us to work" Tyler says as he appears.

"Hey" Care says with a smile. We all go to the grill. Where we start to finalize plans for Elena's birthday party. "Something's up with your mother" she tells Tyler after a while.

"Like what?" Tyler asks her as I look at the menu.

"When I was over yesterday she just kept eyeing me" Care states.

"Since when did you hang out at his house?" I ask. Before she could answer. Jeremy appears saying hello.

"Did Matt make you switch sections?" Care asks him. Jeremy just shrugs his shoulders. "He thinks we're dating" she tells Tyler and I.

"So does my mother" Tyler tells her.

"So do I and mum" I add.

"What?" Care asks us shocked.

"We're together all the time, it's not a leap" Tyler tells her.

"Mum says you're always at his house and when we talk he's one of the main things you talk about" I state.

"That's crazy" Care states.

"Right" Tyler agrees.

"Sounds like to me, you both are in denial" I tell them with a teasing smile.

"Estel!" Care whines.

"I'm only teasing Care, anyway shouldn't we go to the boarding house to set up for the party?" I suggest. She looks at the time and agrees. We pay and left with Tyler.

"Estel!" Elena shouts when she sees me. Giving me a hug. I get an urge to kill her and push it away. It's her birthday and she's one of Care's best friends.

"Happy birthday" I tell her.

"I'm so glad you could make it" she tells me.

"Like Caroline would let me miss your birthday" I tell her with a smile. Just then my phone starts to ring. "Excuse me" I say and go upstairs. "What?" I ask after turning on the tap in the bathroom.

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