50s Dance

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Estel's POV

"Why do I have to go to this stupid dance?" I ask my younger sister. "I don't even have a date, neither do you" I add.

"Because I'm asking you too. This is your last year, you need to participate in things like this" she tells me. "Besides, you'll come with Bonnie and I" she states.

"Fine" I agree reluctantly. Just then Elena appears. She gives us each a heart shaped vervain necklace. We put them on, even though I drink vervain.

"They're so pretty. Thank you. God, it'll go with, like, everything. What's the occasion?" Care asks Elena.

"No occasion, unless you count Estel and I being friends again. Just little friend gifts" Elena tells her.

"Lesbian friend necklaces? Cause we're freaky like that?" Care says teasingly winking at Elena.

"Your friendships are important to me" Elena states.

"Thank you Elena" I say. "But why so mushy?" I ask her. Though I know she knows about vampires now and clearly wants to protect us.

"Because Caroline has been avoiding me, and I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's ok" Elena tells her.

"I was gonna talk to you about that. I was, but there's just not much to say. You know, we've hung out a couple times. That's it, but...I just feel like we've peeked as friends. This is weird. I shouldn't be talking to you about this. It's weird. It's weird, right?" Care asks her.

"It's a little weird, but if it's what you and Matt want, then it's not about me" Elena tells her.

"But it's all about you. Matt's not over you, and we all know it" Care states.

"I'm with Stefan now. Matt understands that. He knows he has to move on" Elena tells her.

"Exactly, now lunch" I say handing Care a sandwich. Elena starts to ate her own. When lunch finishes I go to class.

(Time skip)

I was getting ready for the dance when Damon appears in my bedroom. "What?" I ask him.

"A rogue vampire is threatening Elena. He's been invited in. Stefan and I are going to kill him tonight. Want to help?" he asks me.

"I don't you need my help for a lone vampire. But I will be at the dance encase you need me" I tell him.

"That's where we'll be" he tells me before leaving. Care enters my room.

"Were you talking to someone?" she asks me.

"Just on the phone, you ready?" I ask as I put my earrings in.

"Yes, you?" she asks me.

"I am now" I state as I step into my black heels. I drive us to the school and we meet Bonnie. We dance together on the dance floor. Soon I notice Elena arrive with the Salvatores. She walks over to us as we stop dancing and went to get a drink.

"Having fun?" she asks.

"A little" I tell her.

"No, but this took about two hours, so I'm at least staying half of that" Care tells her pointing to her hair. Mine also took about two hours. Caroline and Elena laugh. As Bonnie looks off into the distance. I follow her gaze to see Damon.

"What's Damon doing here?" Bonnie asks Elena. She and Caroline turn to look at Damon, who is standing with Stefan.

"He wanted to come. I promise. He'll behave" Elena tells Bonnie.

"So what is this, like, a threesome now, you and the Salvatore brothers?" Care asks her. I elbow her, giving her a pointed look.

"No, but if I'm gonna be with Stefan, then I have to learn to tolerate Damon. It's not like I can kill him" Elena tells her.

"There's a thought" Bonnie says smirking.

"We'll help" Care and I say clinking our glasses with her. Elena looks down, trying hard not to smile at our comments. Elena leaves us to go talk to Stefan.

"So are we going to dance again?" I ask the girls.

"Sure" they agree and we continue to drink our drinks. Damon walks over.

"Hi, Bonnie. Wanna dance?" he asks her. Bonnie looks at him in disgust with Caroline.

"I'm out of here" she states. Bonnie starts to walk away but Damon blocks her with his body.

"Please give me another chance" he says and I give him a small headache. Giving Bonnie time to walk around him.

"Back off, Damon" Care and I tell him. Before following Bonnie. "Grill?" I ask the girls and they agree. I drive us there.

"Let's sit up there" Bonnie says pointing to the bar. Where I see Ben working. He's Bonnie's newest crush. But I sense something off about him.

Caroline stops and crosses her arms, teasing Bonnie. "Be a little more obvious, Bonnie" she says.

"Don't rain on my hot guy parade" Bonnie tells her. Without them noticing, Matt has come up behind them, carrying dirty dishes in a bin. Caroline had to make a stupid comment.

"Ben McKittrick? Really? He's a washed-up jock who pours drinks for a living. You could do way better" Care tells her. I give Matt an apologetic look as Care finally notices him. "Hey" she says with a cheery smile.

"What's up?" he says enthusiastically. Caroline's smile falters at his lack of enthusiasm of seeing her. Matt gets back to work.

"Smooth move Care, maybe be more aware about your surroundings before making those sort of comments" I tell her. She curses and goes to talk to Matt. "Now Bonnie if you really like Ben. Be the bold fearless woman I know and go talk to him" I tell her. She does just that.

I notice Caroline and Matt arguing. She stormed off and he followed shortly after. I follow and see them kissing. My work here is done. I leave Care with Matt and give Bonnie a lift home as she tells me that she's going on a date with Ben. I then go home to see Damon in my room.

"The vampire has been dealt with and there's another way into the tomb" he tells me.

"This concerns me why?" I ask him.

"I'll need your help when I figure out how to do it" he states. "I'm going to be working with my brother and Elena. To find Emily Bennett's grimoire" he tells me.

"Emily Bennett was a powerful witch Damon. I'm good, but I may need help opening that tomb" I tell him. He nods his head and leaves.


Picture above of Estel's outfit for the dance.

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