Caroline Kidnapped

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Estel's POV

I was looking at colleges online to appease mum while Caroline was downstairs. She was helping me, but was going to go see Tyler. When I hear them talking and eavesdrop. "What happened to my uncle Mason?" I hear Tyler ask. I get up slowly and head downstairs still listening to them.

"What?" Care asks him.

"He's dead, and I want you to tell me what happened" Tyler tells her. I curse in my head as I reach the base of the stairs.

"I...I don't..." Care stutters.

"Then let me tell you: Stefan and his brother Damon killed him, because Stefan and Damon are vampires, just like you" he states.

"Who told you that?" Care asks him.

"Is it true?" he asks her.

"Let me explain" Care pleads.

"Did you know he was dead this whole time?" he asks her getting angry. I get ready to intervene.

"Please" she pleads.

"Did you know?!" he demands as I hear him shove her. I snarl and rush out pushing him away from her.

"Touch my little sister again, you're dead" I snap.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm sorry" Care says behind me.

"I trusted you" he says and leaves. I see Caroline is stunned and upset. But not hurt.

"We have to call Stefan" she tells me and I nod my head. We go inside and she calls Stefan. I prepare us our vervain shots. We take them and Stefan arrives as I place the glasses on the sink.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asks us.

"Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word" Care states.

"It's that woman, Jules. She had a run-in with Damon" he tells us.

"Oh so that's the she wolf's name" I mutter.

"So not the point here Estel" Care tells me and I roll my eyes. She turns back to Stefan. "Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed" she tells him.

"Wow, this is bad" Stefan says.

"Hence why we called you and not Damon" I tell him.

"You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?" Care asks him.

"No! He already wants to kill him. He thinks all werewolves should die, and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline. I mean, what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself killed" Stefan tells us.

"Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid. You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right things to say, okay? He and I...we're friends" Care states. I go say something and she gives me a pointed look.

"I'll talk to him" Stefan tells her.

"I'll go with him, you stay here" I tell Caroline.

"But I was going to go see Matt" she states.

"Fine, go see him. But then come straight home" I tell her.

"I will and I'll message you when I get to the grill. Then again when I get home" she assures me. I hug her before leaving with Stefan.

(Time Skip)

So Stefan has been trying to reason with Tyler for a couple of hours. Honestly I was growing bored. Tyler's mother left, so we're alone. But I'm starting to worry about my sister. She sent me a text when she arrived at the grill and then again twenty minutes ago when she left. She should be home by now and no message. Also Tyler got a call earlier and he called for help.

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