Chapter 32

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The air was loud and cold as icy rain pelted Silica in the face. She held the hood of her Survey Corps cloak over her head as she squinted against the grainy image of the Scout HQ courtyard, and watched as several other soldiers mirrored her in her sprint for shelter.

She cursed under her breath at the chill that ran up her spine, and was reminded that day of just how much she hated when it rained. Her fingers ached from being exposed to the cold, and just when she was about to pick up her pace, the sound of shouting somewhere in the distance caught her attention.

She turned her head in the direction of the sound, and squinted even harder to see through the relentless downpour. Through the mist, she could see a small huddle of younger soldiers gathered in the corner of a building, and as she stared, she thought she could hear Elijah's voice amongst the cacophony of noise.

She released her hood and it blew right off her head as she began to approach the small group, and as she grew closer, she could see that the three boys that stood in front of Elijah were no older than teenagers. She scowled at the sight of them, and scowled even harder once she heard them jeering at him.

"How in the world a pussy like you makes it into the most advanced squad in the whole regiment is beyond me," one of them said as he pushed Elijah against the wall. He let out a short whimper, but his eyes did not show if he was scared.

"Yeah, I'd bet they just recruited you to use you as Titan bait." The other guffawed, and the others joined in his mocking laughter.

Silica didn't say a word as she grabbed the biggest kid by the shoulder and slammed his face against the wall. The other two let out simultaneous gasps of surprise, and Silica took the boy she had pinned by the hair to press his cheek into the brick she pushed him against.

"Keep talking like that and the Titans will be the least of your worries," Silica spat in his ear, and she felt him stiffen as he let out a cry. She twisted his arm in a way that made him yelp. "You got me?"

"C-Captain —"

She threw her hostage into one of Elijah's assailants, and swiftly turned and kicked the other one right in the balls. He buckled under the pressure of her boot, and she spit in his face when he threw his head back.

"Get the hell out of here," she hissed. Her scowl was paralyzing. "Now!"

She shouted loud enough for her voice to echo throughout the courtyard, and the demanding sound of it was enough to get all three boys up and running for their lives.

Silica turned over her shoulder once they were gone, and lent a hand down to Elijah to help him to his feet. He slowly accepted.

"Are you alright?" She asked, sounding softer now as she tried to get a look at his face. He wouldn't let her.

"Yes, Captain, thank you..." he sounded mousey as he spoke and wiped his damp sleeve over his eyes.

"Did they hurt you?" She asked, this time growing tired of his resistance and instead grabbed him by the cheeks to turn his face toward her.

She tensed immediately upon seeing his split lip and black eye, and felt her blood boil as she wished she had beaten them to a pulp instead of letting them go.

"How long have they been harassing you like this?" Silica asked, sounding stern this time as she tilted her head to catch his eye. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"They've always bullied me, even before I joined your squad," Elijah was quick to explain. "I'm sorry, Captain. I wouldn't expect you to fight my battles for me. I am a soldier, too, after all."

Silica sighed wearily, and instead decided to wrap an arm over his shoulders as she began walking again. He followed under her guidance. "Let's get you cleaned up, at least."

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