Chapter 8

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Two weeks passed since the news of Silica's pregnancy made it to Erwin, and per his instruction, Silica would not be permitted on the field of duty or allowed to partake in physical training until the birth of her unborn child. She knew that meant the meat of leading Elite Advancement would be placed on Brutus' shoulders for the next few months, but to keep her busy, Erwin had her working directly under him as an unofficial secretary. Her new primary focus was to oversee the reports that would be delivered to him via other ranks, and Silica would sift through and handle the majority of completion whilst handing off the more pressing matters to Erwin.

It was a set up that she couldn't really complain about, as she was kept busy, and presently she sat at the coffee table of Erwin's office whilst going through reports. The commander himself appeared to be staring intently at a set of battle plans for future Expeditions. His mind whirled with countless things, and he found it difficult to concentrate.

His attention regularly flicked up toward where Silica was sitting. She was dressed in casual attire given that she wasn't permitted to do any physical work, and the growing spherical shape of her midsection drew in his gaze. She had steadily begun to show in her pregnancy, and for whatever reason, Erwin was worried. He had heard from Doctor Reos of her previous bad luck with fertility, and couldn't help the arch of his brow the longer he contemplated all of what could go wrong. Though, as far as he could tell, Silica — nor Mike — seemed too distraught, and Erwin could even say that his new found close friend was excited about it.

He couldn't blame her, given her love for children.

He let out a loose sigh as he attempted to shake his imposing thoughts away, and just as he turned back to his work, a sharp knock sounded at the door.

"Come in." Erwin answered whilst promptly looking up, and suppressed a confused frown at the sight of Nile Doc — the Military Police Commander — stepping into his office.

"Nile," Erwin held a questioning tinge to his tone, and at Nile's presence, Silica looked up from what she was doing. Erwin noticed Nile's immediate stare. "What can I do for you?"

"Erwin," Nile's attention drifted down to Silica's patient gaze. "Captain Delaney. I'm glad to have found you two in the same place."

"What can we do for you?" Erwin asked thereafter. Silica threw him an inquisitive glance.

"We have an internal issue in Mitras," Nile said. "Regarding an ex Underground District resident."

Silica's eyes widened a fraction. Erwin frowned subtly.

"If I may ask," Erwin said whilst rising to his feet. "What does that have to do with the Survey Corps?"

"Nothing as a whole," Nile replied, and thus looked toward Silica again. "But more so toward your newest recruit."

"What is this about?" Silica scowled at him.

"Delaney," Nile began as he inhaled. "Are you familiar with the name 'Agnis Pixis'?"

Silica opened her mouth to respond, but was met with her words catching in her throat. A rush of numbness hit her system like a tidal wave, and for a good minute, the room was settled in silence.

"Agnis," Silica repeated. She glanced at Erwin. "She's... my mother."

"So what she said is true," Nile concluded, and sat on the couch across from Silica to level his gaze with hers. "Your mother is suspected to be stealing the maneuver gear of MPs, which is a crime you also partook in during your time living underground, correct?"

"You know where she is?" Silica looked dumbfounded.

"Answer the question."

"Yeah, I did," Silica glared in confusion. "But as far as I know, my mother didn't."

"I see," Nile looked at her for a moment before continuing. "We approached your mother with the claim but she's refused to abide by any questioning until she got to speak with you."

"How does she even know where I am?"

"Apparently words gotten around the Districts that the Scouts' new recruit made it back to the wall on foot," Nile said, bringing up Silica's heroic feat of getting Brutus back to the regiment. "For whatever reason, she refuses to speak with anyone else."

"Couldn't you just arrest her?" Silica asked bleakly.

"It's not that simple," Nile replied. "We have to have solid evidence, and so far no one in the brothel she runs is saying anything."

"Then how is she suspected of stealing if no ones fessing up any info?" Silica, again, threw Erwin a glance, whom remained silent during her encounter with Nile. He had a calculative look on his face.

"All I have is the word of a few soldiers."

"You do understand that I'm pregnant, right?" Silica leaned back a bit in her seat to make her small tummy more noticeable, figuring that Nile mustn't have noticed when he walked in.

"I am well aware of that, yes," Nile fought the urge to roll his eyes. "All I'm asking you do to is talk to her. Try to figure out what her game is, if she or any of her workers are stealing from my soldiers."

"With all due respect, Commander," Silica, frustrated, stood up. "But maybe you should be more concerned about keeping your soliders' dicks' in their pants and out of brothels rather than coming to me with a claim that may not even be true. If they were better behaved, they wouldn't be stupid enough to get their shit stolen in the first place."

"Silica," Erwin spoke before Nile could word his offense, and finally rose from his desk. "That's enough. I believe we could work something out."

"Are you kidding —?" Silica's tone became short, however, she still held her tongue when Erwin placed one of his hands on her back.

"Precautions will need to be made if you think I will allow my solider to accompany you on an arrest," Erwin began whilst turning to Nile. "I would be more comfortable coming along for the questioning myself, and sitting in with her to assure that no harm is brought to her or her unborn child. A squad should also be stationed outside the building and at the doors of the establishment, and I'm sure you could agree that Silica's Elite Advancement would be the perfect one for the job."

"Is that all?" Nile spoke after a beat of thinking.

Erwin offered Silica a glance, and when she didn't object, he nodded.

"Yes I believe so." Erwin said.

"Very well then," Nile agreed and stood up. "Send word to your squad immediately, Delaney. We leave tomorrow morning."

Erwin and Silica watched as Nile left, and only when the door was shut behind him did Silica turn and slug Erwin in the arm.

"Way to just offer up my help like that, Brows," she scowled unthreateningly at him. "I haven't seen my mother in almost twenty years and you think throwing me into a brothel with her unhinged ass is a good idea?"

"I will be there with you, Silica," Erwin frowned at her. "I will be taking a few extra measures to ensure your safety. In the meantime, go home and prepare yourself for the journey to Mitras in the morning. Leave everything else to me."

"I'm not so sure I like where this is going." Silica narrowed her eyes at him as he led her toward the doors.

"You have nothing to worry about," he reassured. "I'll have everything sorted out in due time."

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