Chapter 31

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Three days had passed since Silica's meeting with her newfound grandfather, and all she could seem to focus on was when she could see him again.

Her curiosity ate her alive, and she found it annoyingly difficult to think straight the longer she went without meeting the rest of her family.

She endlessly wondered what they would look like, if she looked or acted as they did. She wondered how their voices sounded, and what their mannerisms would be like. She felt like a child all over again, and she wasn't sure if she was pleased with how she was feeling or not. It was different, and that's all she knew.

It was nearing the end of the day as Silica and her squad sat outside the weight room. There was a crisp chill in the air, and a brisk wind blew in dark grey clouds that hung low in the sky. She watched absently as Nick and Lance sparred against each other, and paid little mind to the idle chatter going on between Monica and Elijah. Brutus stood to her left with his arms crossed over his chest, mirroring Silica as she sat with her back leaning against the wall.

"You know what I haven't seen?" Monica spoke a little louder as to gather everyone's attention. Silica flicked her eyes in her direction.

"What?" Nick and Lance paused in their fight to spare her a glance.

"Brutus and the Captain go at it." She sent a coy look their way, and they simultaneously turned to look at each other.

"You know what," Nick said as he hit the side of his fist against his open palm. "You're right. I haven't either."

"Yeah, what of it?" Silica frowned as they all smiled at each other.

"I wonder who would win," Lance pondered with a finger on his chin. "The Cap is a beast for sure, but I've seen Brutus throw Quinn over his head, so..."

"We gotta see it," Elijah was suddenly excited. "My bets are on the Captain — no offense, Brutus."

"Gee, none taken." Brutus deadpanned with a sour look on his face. He seemed displeased by the whole idea.

"Come on, just one good match?" Monica pressed her hands together, begging.

"No way," Brutus defiantly shook his head. "Not a chance."

"Why?" Nick leaned forward with his hands on his hips. "You scared she'll whoop your ass?"

"Oooh, I think the big man is scared." Lance chimed in on Brutus' teasing. Silica rolled her eyes.

"I'm not scared," Brutus justified. "I just —"

"Why not?" Silica stood from her seat as she removed her waist jacket, and looked up at Brutus through her eyelashes. "They're right. We've never gone hand-to-hand against each other before."

"Yeah, for good reason," Brutus' eyes were pleading. Silica rolled her sleeves up. "Silica, I don't want to —"

"Don't want to what, hurt me?" Silica guessed. Her cynical tone made Brutus suck in a sharp breath of air. "Spare me. I'm Captain for a reason. Now are you too chicken to fight me, or what?"

A collective 'oooh' rang out amongst their squadmates, and as the tension rose, they all gathered together on the ground as they stared at Silica and Brutus staring at each other. Brutus appeared to be at a loss, and begged Silica with his eyes to change her mind. She however didn't see the problem, and motioned that he follow her a few feet away from their small group anyway.

Brutus stood there for a moment as he contemplated what he was going to do, and with a huff, he threw off his jacket and joined Silica in the middle of the weight room's courtyard.

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