Chapter 11

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A month and a half passed since Silica's sudden visit to her mother's brothel, and during that time, she had neglected to seek out the man Agnis had claimed to be her father, or her mother's secret family.

After thorough research, — and a little of Erwin's help — Silica had come to find out that Kenny Ackerman was the man that she was looking for.

She knew exactly where he was. She knew that he was a high ranking MP, and she knew that he once resided in the Underground District, just as she and her mother had. She had all of the information she needed, yet something rooted deep inside her prevented her from seeking him out.

Was it the fear of rejection? Disappointment? The fear to learn the real reason why he left her behind? These thoughts ricocheted in her head for nearly two months now, and no matter how often she went through her father's information, the hesitation still remained.

Silica sighed soundlessly for the umpteenth time as she monitored her squad training with their horses. The young summer sun beat down on their heads, and Brutus stood beside her with an umbrella held over her; protecting her and her swelling stomach from the heat as much as possible. Brutus' gaze would occasionally flick down toward her as they stood there, and the more the thick silence went on, the more he began to worry.

After knowing Silica for as long as he had, he was able to pick up the subtle cues that she would subconsciously drop when she was anxious or upset. The way she chewed the inside of her cheek, how she would continuously pop her knuckles, and how her finger would steadily tap on her stomach. After learning of what her mother had given her when they visited the brothel, he knew that having such information troubled her deeply. Silica had not so much as bothered herself with even a thought of who Agnis' family — or her father — could be, but now that she had their exact locations and the liberty to find them, she wasn't so sure how she felt anymore.

"Sil," Brutus' voice made her jump, and she turned her head to meet his expectant gaze. "If you bite your cheek any harder, you'll bleed."

"What?" Silica said, surprised. "I'm not —"

"You are," Brutus interrupted her with a knowing smile. She frowned. "You can talk to me, you know. What's eating at you?"

"I'm alright," she sighed again. Brutus pursed his lips doubtfully. "Just a lot going on."

"I've noticed," Brutus shifted on the soles of his boots. "How's the little tyke doing? Have you felt them kick yet?"

"A few flutters here and there," Silica couldn't help by smile at the mention of her child, and rubbed slow circles on her stomach. "But no kicks yet."

"They'll be doing summersaults in there before you know it," Brutus grinned and slung his arm around her shoulder. "Just wait, you'll be having a little monster hobbling at your heels in no time."

Silica couldn't help but laugh at that, and briefly leaned in to Brutus' side hug, but before she was able to voice her thanks to him, Levi's hand waving in the air from a distance caught her eye.

"Looks like it's doctor time," Silica said whilst stepping away from Brutus' side. "Once they're done on the horses, take them for a ODM round in the forest before dining hour."

"You got it, Cap," Brutus smiled cheekily as he saluted her. "Talk later?"

"Yeah," she waved a slack hand as she strolled to meet Levi halfway. "See you soon."

She saw Levi smile as she approached him, and rolled her eyes when he lent his elbow out to her for support.

"You know I can still walk just fine, right?" She asked whilst looping her's with his anyway.

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