Chapter 10

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"It's about time you visited your mother."

Silica turned over her shoulder just as Agnis' voice made it to her ears, and a scowl she couldn't help solidified on her face. The woman that looked back at her had long, wavy black hair that reached her lower back. Her face resembled Silica's almost to a T, with her pale complexion sporting one small freckle under her right eye. She had a phantom smirk as she placed a dainty hand on her hip, and the corset she wore hugged to her figure tightly. She adorned a loose off the shoulder top that exposed a great deal of her chest, and her skirt was burgundy with a long slit going up her left leg.

"Agnis." Silica's voice was dense as she turned fully to face her mother. Agnis' amber eyes flicked down to Silica's swelling abdomen instantly.

"You're pregnant?" Agnis reached a hand toward Silica, of which she grabbed before contact could be made between them.

"I'm not here for a catch up," Silica said warningly as her mother looked up at her. "What trouble have you been causing that made the MP's seek out my help?"

Agnis' eyes darkened briefly at her question, and she paned her gaze toward Mike, Nile, and Erwin; whom all had stood up upon Agnis' arrival. A silence lingered within the room as Agnis examined them, and after exhaling sharply, she tore her wrist from Silica's grip and moved to sit down. Silica watched her like a hawk, and only when Agnis gestured that she too take a seat did she oblige.

"Cutting right to the chase I see," Agnis said whilst crossing one leg over the other. "I haven't seen you in almost twenty years and this is the greeting I get?"

Silica couldn't help but scoff. "Don't give me that. I wouldn't be here if I didn't owe a favor."

Agnis scoffed again and fought the urge to roll her eyes. The mannerisms in which she held reminded Silica so much of herself that it made her stomach churn, and she settled with lacing her fidgety hands in her lap.

"What did you do?" Silica asked once again. She watched as Agnis leaned forward in her seat with her elbows resting on her knees. She set her cheek in her hand and smiled.

"I didn't do a thing," Agnis replied innocently. Silica could tell she was being truthful. "Not directly, that is. Once I got word that Silica Delaney got herself onto the surface I had to pull some strings to even get a chance to see her."

Silica's brow rose in surprise, and she flashed a look toward Erwin, whom shared a similar expression in return.

"Why would you want to do that?" Silica questioned carefully.

Agnis, instead of responding, motioned toward the bartender — who had neglected to leave Agnis' side since she emerged — with a wave of her hand. The gesture elicited him to retrieve a piece of paper from his breast pocket, and Silica looked at him skeptically when he held it out to her.

"Go on, Silica," Agnis nodded toward the folded sheet. "I may have left when you were young, but I raised you better than to disrespect your own family."

Silica's brow furrowed at her words, and again her eyes were on the face of the young boy who stood beside her. He looked no older than sixteen, and the more she looked at him, the more he looked like Agnis.

"My arm is getting tired." He said blandly, and after staring into his eyes for a moment longer, she finally took it from his pinched fingers.

"What is this?" Her attention was now on Agnis again.

"Ward off your guard dogs and I'll be happy to tell you," she said whilst glancing in Nile's direction. "This is a family matter."

"Like hell we're leaving her here with you." Mike growled low in his throat from his place seated to Silica's left.

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