Chapter 16

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"It's a wonder that you don't wince in pain when the baby kicks you hard enough to make your stomach move."

Silica sighed out a laugh as Doctor Reos examined her belly. She was nearing the end of her second trimester, and by now, her child was growing strong enough to kick with such a force that it made her skin protrude outward. Whenever the baby grew active, Silica didn't find herself particularly bothered by it, and was actually relieved to feel them moving so much. With her previous failures in pregnancy, she grew anxious when they weren't moving.

"How're you holding up?" Reos asked as she palpated the sides of her stomach.

"Tired," Silica replied. "Very tired."

"That's normal," the doctor commented with a smile. "Have you thought of any names yet?"

At the question, Silica was quiet for a moment. She had hardly thought of what to call her baby with all that had happened between her and Mike, however, one name stuck out to her in particular whenever the thought happened to cross her mind.

"Avery, for a girl," Silica said softly as she looked down. Reos paused to look at her. "Not sure what I'll name it if it's a boy."

"I see," she said as she stood up straight. "After your late squad leader?"

"Yeah," Silica met her gaze whilst sitting herself up. "I'm sure she'd gloat if she were here."

"Yes, I agree," Reos laughed weakly, and helped Silica to stand. "Well... I'm sure she'd be proud of you. Make sure to stay off your feet as much as possible, alright?"

"Right," Silica nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you."

"See you next week." Reos waved, and once Silica was outside of the med bey doors, the figure of Erwin approaching could be made out in the distance.

He appeared to be in a hurry, and the summer wind ruffled his blond hair as his pace quickened upon seeing her. She smiled lopsidedly once he broke off into a light jog as she grew closer, and arched her neck back to meet his eye when they stopped in front of each other.

In the weeks that had passed them by since Silica's split from Mike, the pair had been spending a fair share of their free time together. It was sweet, almost, how Erwin tended to her without her asking him of anything, and she couldn't help but smile at the fond look in his eye when his gaze fell to her ever growing stomach.

"I missed the appointment," he spoke more of a statement than a question. Silica only nodded. "Is everything alright?"

"Perfectly fine," Silica pat him on the arm as she passed him. He turned to follow. "Like every other time you ask."

"I'll make it to an appointment to hear for myself," he promised sternly. Silica only scoffed. "It's hard to keep track when there isn't a set time."

"Yes, Mister Schedule," Silica humored, and shot him a smirk. "Whatever will you do with yourself and my spontaneous doctor visits?"

"You do it on purpose." Silica could just barely make out a pout on the Scout Commander's face.

"You need to focus on your work," she justified as he opened the main office building door for her. "You know I'll be fine on my own."

"Whether I know it or not doesn't change the fact that I want to be there for you." Erwin's statement made her look at him from over her shoulder as they entered.

"If I didn't know any better," she paused to lean forward and smirk. "I'd say you have a crush on me."

Erwin shot her a bewildered look. "Don't be ridiculous."

The Prices I Pay ((MIKE ZACHARIAS X ERWIN SMITH X OC))Where stories live. Discover now