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"Wooyoung...can we just talk about us? I wanna catch up with you," He said putting his hand in mine.

"Okay, well I own this flower shop, I live on my own. I got a haircut yesterday and oh! My best friend who ignored me for years is still ignoring me!" I said stepping away from him and he sighed.

"I'm not ignoring you."

"Then answer my question, are you still married to her?"

"Yes!...I am still married to her-"

"Then what're you doing here?!"

"I told you, I needed to see you and tell you how I feel-"

"You did and got my hopes up, are you happy?"

"No, I didn't want to get your hopes up, just to let you down-"

"What'd you think was going to happen?! You tell me that you love me, we catch up then you leave for God, knows how long, again?! No San! I thought you told me that you loved me because you are or did divorce your wife! You came here, I told you to leave! You tried to talk, I told you to stop! Then you say that you got married but realized after that you're in love with me! I hug you sobbing, let you kiss me on my cheek and neck, only to find out that you're still married! So, yeah San! you got my hopes up and let me down!"


"Leave! Get out! Go!" I yelled pushing him towards the door, "I'll probably see you in another three or four years when you tell me that you have kids or something, yet you want kids with me!" I said looking at him with teary eyes and closed the door, locking it once he was outside.

"Wooyoung, please! Let me explain!" He said looking at me through the door window as he tried opening the door a couple times, but I ignored him and walked to the back of the shop before falling to my knees, sobbing.

I put my hand on my heart, gripping my chest as it got harder for me to breathe. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. When he told me that he loved me, I felt so happy. Just hearing his voice made my heart pound, but it was all for nothing. I wish that this was all some cruel dream, but it's not. I'm not going to suddenly wake up in my bed, sweating and crying. I was in the middle of a storage room floor, alone and crying.

After a while, I was able to calm myself down and stood up from the floor and wiped my eyes. I'm so stupid, I should've shoved him out as soon as I heard his voice, but I didn't, I couldn't. My heart missed him so much that I couldn't move.

I walked out the front door and started walking to my place as I looked at the time. 12:30am. Was I really crying for that long? It felt longer.

When I got home, I took off my shoes and jacket before putting on my slippers and walked into the kitchen to warm up what my mother left for me.

As I was eating, it felt like I was back at the beginning, waiting for him all over again. My heart is breaking over a love that isn't even mine. He'll never be mine...

I moved my food out of the way before putting my head on the table. I was already crying again. At this rate, I'm going to cry until there no tears left.

I miss him, I miss him so much...

San's POV.

I sighed walking through the front door and tossed my keys into the key bowl by the door before taking off my shoes and coat. The lights were off signaling that she was already in bed. I quietly walked into the bedroom and took off my shirt and pants before sliding into the bed under the covers and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

My marriage situation is kind of difficult. I love her, but I don't love her. But I can't just file for a divorce out of the blue when she's done absolutely nothing wrong. She's a wonderful wife. She cooks, cleans and takes amazing care of me and I care about her a lot.

"Hey baby, did you eat?" She asked in a whisper tone and I hummed before kissing her cheek softly.

"Yeah, Yunho and I got ramen from the minimart."

"That's good," She said before trying to turn to face me.

"Here, I got you, baby," I said helping her.

My wife is actually paralyzed from the waist down and has to get around using a wheelchair, which is another reason why I don't want to just leave her. I don't want her to think that I'm tired of taking care of her and feel bad about herself, because I'm not. I really care so much about her.

She was in a really bad car accident when she was twelve years old and it left her paralyzed like this.

We met in university, I was standing behind her wheelchair and she backed up into me and as an apology, she took me out for coffee. Sometimes I think that she backed up into me on purpose because she wanted to talk to me, which I thought was cute.

At our wedding, she kept her hands on my shoulders and I held her up by her waist as we said our vows and I did the same thing as we had our first dance. She felt bad, but I didn't care, I just wanted her to be happy and when I saw her smiling so wide, it made me so happy.

"I love you," She whispered, cuddled into my chest and I kissed her head.

"I love you too, Jiu," I whispered before closing my eyes.


When I got up the next day, I cooked breakfast and helped Jiu out of bed and into her wheelchair before helping her use the bathroom.

Our house is a one story home, so it's easier for her to get around. I just always want her to be happy and comfortable.

She doesn't like going out much because she feels bad for me having to push her around all the time, but I assure her that she has nothing to feel bad about. She doesn't like having sex or changing in front of me because she thinks that I won't like her scars, but I tell her every day how beautiful I think she is.

My wife has been through so much already, I can't leave her on her own. No matter how much I love Wooyoung or how much my heart aches for him, I just can't do that to her and that is why I feel so stuck...

 No matter how much I love Wooyoung or how much my heart aches for him, I just can't do that to her and that is why I feel so stuck

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(A/N ^^ me writing this)

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