Health and Law 13

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It was the night of the engagement and it's so bad for Jennie that she wanted to cry...and scream as she sat in the car, on their way to the Miller Manor.

Jennie was dressed in her dress, while her beloved blonde friend, Roseanne, was in a baby blue dress that somehow reminds her of the ocean. They were all dressed and ready for the night.

"I hate this, y'know." Jennie spoke up as she shook. "I just couldn't believe he did that disgusting thing at the mall just two days ago! Can't he just get it in his thick brain that I don't want him anymore?!"

"Apparently not." Roseanne sighed, fed up by Jennie's constant complaining of her ex. "He was a total disaster in your life."

Jennie sighed. "Luckily, we have Yoongs, Jim and Taehyung with us, so at least we aren't the only ones dreading to come to this pathetic excuse of a engagement party whatsoever.

Roseanne smiled, maneuvering the wheel as she took a right turn. "And maybe a few minutes of peace since you'll be stuck by staring—ogling at Kim Taehyung once we meet him there."

"Hush!" Jennie smacked Roseanne's arm, though not even denying it; it was a total honest fact. It really made sense of this...

The manor was shaking literally because of the loud romantic classic music as the blonde parked the car by the rest and she grabbed her purse.

Jennie looked crestfallen and hesitant.

"C'mon, or else I'll drag you into there!" Her blonde friend threatened and Jennie sighed, grabbing her purse to get out of the car. Once her feet laid on the ground, her heart did nervous somersaults.

"Let's go." Roseanne said softly, taking her friend's hand which appeared to feel cold despite the hot atmosphere around the two of them. "We're gonna be late."

Jennie closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath. "Let's go; I'm ready and please do not be sarcastic or sassy."

"Can't promise." Roseanne winked as she led Jennie to the entrance. "Knowing that you wouldn't be able to hold back your savage words."

For the first time that night, Jennie laughs happily. Roseanne grinned as they gave the invitation card to the tall scary guard and was granted entrance.

The music was even much louder than it appears to when the two girls entered and they felt like they're going to be deaf soon if they don't turn down the volume.

"Did you see them?" Jennie asked.

"What?!" Roseanne yells, looking for any of the men. "I can't hear you over this loud music! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

Jennie was about to repeat her question but she saw a familiar blonde sitting down  at a table with Jimin. Her heart paced as she grabbed Roseanne's arm, tightening it unknowingly.

"Jennie Kim!" Roseanne hissed in pain. "My arm will bleed if you continue that for much longer!"

"Opps, sorry." Jennie shrugs, relieved that the music died down a little. "I saw Jim and Taehyung at a table. Let me lead you."

Roseanne mutters a 'god gracious' when she saw Natalie, who was looking like an innocent white lotus flower in her white dress and pearly tiara that read the bride to be! on it. She rolled her eyes and then she smiled, once she saw her boyfriend and friend.

"Hello." She greeted. Jimin looked up.

"Hi love," He then pecked her on the lips, once she sat down beside him. Jennie and Taehyung blushed at the sight of each other once they saw how glamorous each other looks. Jennie shyly sat down beside hi, their arms brushing slightly. Though, they have been friends for quite a short time, Taehyung wanted to ask her out, tonight.

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