Epilogue (#Bonus Chapter: Yoongyeon)

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Nayeon was woken up as the plane landed in the airport of New Zealand. She smiles as she stood up, got her luggage and went out of the airplane. She checked into the terminal and was free to go.

Nayeon bit her lip, wondering what would be Yoongi's reaction if he saw her. Before taking the plan back New Zealand after a whole mess of the rest of the year and a half too, she had called Jennie to see her at the airport and got the most disturbing news.

"Yoongs is going to get married. Well, not yet since they didn't do the engagement and no matter how hard we both tried to just convince Mom to stop this wedding, she is quite firm on her decision and it's very scary. Hurry up and save Yoongs."

Jennie's words rang in her mind as she rolled her luggage out of the airport, her heart was beating quite fast. She stopped and looked around looking for a blonde and brunette.

"Nayeonie!" She heard a shout out to her, and she looked up to the source of the loud shout. Taehyung was there and they are both carrying two babies which looks like they are seven months. She just gave them a happy smile and run up to them.

"Gosh, I would hug you both right now if you weren't holding Lilac and Lily." She's smiling though in front of them. Jennie and Taehyung just chucked lightly and handed Lilac to them. Yes, they have twins and they're both girls. Lily is born ahead of Lilac for two minutes.

Lilac has Jennie's brown eyes and Taehyung's hair while Lily has Taehyung's hazel eyes and Jennie's hair. The two are a perfect mixture of Taehyung and Jennie.

"My baby, you're so cute. Don't worry, I'll give you a playmate sooner than later. Do you want that?" Nayeon cooed and looked up to see Taehyung and Jennie giving her amused and unsure smiles.

"What, I love him..." She finalizes as Lilac is handed back to her mother. "I wished I wasn't so stupid just to leave like that. But I needed time to think all these through."

"Yeah, we know. You look really beautiful than before," Jennie smiles while Nayeon blushed. She has already lost her cheek baby fat and has become slimmer than before.

"Did he know I'm here?" Nayeon gulped.

"No. We didn't tell him anything about you arriving in New Zealand today. He's pretty much overloaded with work and the upcoming wedding." Jennie purses her lips. "Thank god you're here."

"I want to surprise him. When's the engagement?" Nayeon said. Jennie replies, "Just three days from now."

"Call him." Nayeon ordered and once she saw Jennie's baffled look, she added, "I'm not going to talk to him. Just ask him for me. Ask him if he still missed me. Do you talk about me in his presence?"

Both Jennie and Taehyung shook their heads as Jennie buckled up Lilac and Lily in their joined baby stroller, bringing out her phone and calling Yoongi. Taehyung was just playing with his daughters.

"Jennie, hey, thank god you called me! I am at the wedding boutique and it's not that fun especially that Mom is being too persistent so your call saved me. What's up?" Yoongi's voice rang from the phone and Nayeon stifled a gasp. His voice was deeper and quite rough, and he sounded so sad.

"Yoongs, do you still miss Nayeon?"

Awkward silence.

"I'm quite baffled by this question, Jennie but I ain't going to deny. I really missed her so badly and I wanted to call her and tell her all my feelings! Obviously, Nina knows everything and is helpless too! Urgh, I'm so ashamed of myself that I can't even stand up for my love for her!" Yoongi explained and he sounded happy, and sad at the same time as Nayeon's eyes teared up. She's really effected by Yoongi, and it's a great thing.

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