Health and Law 1

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In her apartment, Jennie was sleeping on her bed, brown locks sprawled all over the place, and soothing small breaths filled up the silent atmosphere.

Then a stupid call came in and Jennie was not having it, especially on her day off so she ignored the call and the ringing stops. But after a minute, it rang again, angering her.

Her eyes flies open like as it struck by bad lightning, she groggily groans, and crawls into a baby position, and grab her phone, and answered the call.

"Jennie," Jennie sat back up, recognizing the voice of her friend, Roseanne. Jennie checked the cat wall clock. Eight-thirty.

"Yeah, Rosie?" Jennie yawns. "I wanted to badly ask as to why you're calling me on a day off? My day-off."

Jennie was pissed off. Eventually, she was not blaming it all on Rosie, who's the dear only child of the hospital's owner. Though Roseanne was of high position, she was so nice and respectful to her juniors.

"Sorry, Jen," There's a pause as Roseanne cleared her throat. "But there's a patient, who's pregnant and most of the doctors are very busy with other patients, so can you fill in?"

Jennie sucked in a deep breath. It sucks as working in a hospital that have few people who are obstetricians can be annoying at most times but she did understand that all obstetricians aren't free most of the time.

"Okay, then, I'll be there as soon as I can," Jennie answered and Roseanne ended the call. Jennie quickly made the bed, brushes her teeth, took a bath and got ready.

She made a quick sandwich and bustles in her apartment, getting her purse and pair of shoes. She quickly left her apartment, a bit drowsy.

She stopped a cab outside the apartments building and entered. "City Hospital," she paused and then continued, "Make it fast"

The driver nodded, and pressed a foot on the accelerator and the car drove carefully through the calm cities of New Zealand.

In about twenty minutes, Jennie drank in the sight of City Hospital and its glory in a magnificent way. She payed the care fare, and walked out, tying up her hair into the most tightest low ponytail with a rubber band.

As she entered, her low heals clacking on the floor, junior doctors greeted her and she greeted back with a gummy smile, as well as she acknowledged her seniors too.

"Jen!" Suddenly, her petite body was soon hugged by another, and her face paled and she grasped for air. When she thought she was about to die, a figure pulled the blond off her.

Jennie breathed in. "Thanks, Jim."

Park Jimin just smiled, and turned to nag at his girlfriend, "Rose, I told you so many times not to be hugging Jen like that! You will kill her no doubt."

Roseanne flushed, going red. "Sorry,"

"It's okay," Jennie shook her head, a small smile on her face. "Jim, don't you ever nag my Rosie again?!"

Jimin just shrugged, and helplessly nods as Roseanne raised her head, a smug face over her usual gentle face.

Jennie chuckled. Roseanne and Jimin are dating for the past three years and though they're quite busy to give each other even a sliver of attention, they're still very much in love. And it really made Jennie yearn to be in love after her first love broke her.

Her first love was a guy named Felix. They are both in terms of wealth in the society. They met in college, became official after graduation and dated for two years while he started his business and in a year, the business was growing larger and known in New Zealand which made Jennie proud of him.

But on their third anniversary, he made it a joke by breaking her heart with her best friend, Natalie. She was broken and cried for ages under the comfort of Roseanne, and the latter was busy cursing Felix and Natalie, calling them shameless.

From that day onwards, Jennie blacklists the most biggest traitors from her life and moved on. Now it has been five years and she's already twenty six, and her mother kept bugging her to find love.

Even though Jennie moved on, she never forgets about Felix and Natalie. How can she when they were once one of the most important people in her life in whom she trusted and loved throughout the years of being together? If only that she was able to please Felix better, then none of this would have happened.

He even said these hurtful words when they broke up: "You don't have things like Natalie has. You're not beautiful, wealthy or pleasing. You're also stubborn and too busy which means I can't get attention at all. You're not even that good in bed so I guessed Natalie won my heart while you have ditched me for that stupid job!"

Okay, Jennie knew she wasn't beautiful at all or at least she thinks so. Jennie wasn't from a rich family, but survived. But the rest of his words hurt her. She tried very hard to give him love and attention but her job was also important to her too and she can't ditch it just to spend time with Felix. He had to understand that gaining attention all the time wouldn't work out and had to be patient.

And now, Felix is now a renowned tycoon, and Natalie is a model. Jennie's heart will pain slightly upon seeing them on Tv, and mags, even billboards and posters all over the city...

"By the way, where's the patient? Is she in my office?" She asks, after snapping out of her daydream.

"Ah, I haven't seen the patient, but I'll get Jeremy to get her for you from the waiting room. I and Jim are going to the cafeteria, and well, it's...a date." Roseanne laughs as she pecks Jimin on the lips and dragged him away, leaving Jennie a bit jealous of them. They always showed off!

Jennie just sighed, used the elevator and walked to her cabin and slumped down on the chair, sighing. This is not how she will like to spend her day off but she sacrificed it just for work, and surely, Roseanne had to pay her back.

It's been five minutes and there was a firm knock on the door. "Come in," She said a second after.

She wasn't even looking up when she said these words, eyes focused on the papers in front of her, twirling her pen between her fingers, absentmindedly.

The door opened and Jeremy came in. He is not a doctor, rather a person who takes orders from the doctors like to bring them tea or documents from other doctors, like a servant.

"Doctor Jennie, the patient is here," Jere which is short for Jeremy, said and Jennie just dismissed him with a wave of a hand.

The door closed a minute after and Jennie quickly signed on a paper, and stood up, raising her head to smile at her patient, but that quickly vanished as she stood in shock, not able to believe what she saw.



Hey everyone, welcome to my second book, Health and Law. Hope you really enjoyed this book. Please mind my errors and mistakes.

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