Health and Law 2

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If you ever told Jennie what was the most dreadful moment she had experienced in her life, she would've told you it's meeting Natalie after five whole years. Or someone will tell her she'll be meeting Natalie, her ex best friend after five years, eventually she wouldn't hesitate to slap you on the face!

But eventually, her deepest fear is coming true. She never wanted to meet Natalie or Felix after a long time because that would open old wounds she never wants to open at all.

She just stood there in shock, her heart is beating faster by every passing minutes as she looked at the person who she used to confide her love and trust in and in the end, betrayed her.

Natalie was dressed in a loosely red fancy dress, low high heels, and her face was full of heavy makeup. Her large bump bulged, as the fabric stretched over it. Laying eyes on the bump, Jennie trembled slightly...

"Nini, it's been so many years!" Natalie is brightening up which Jennie hated to see. "How are you?!"

Jennie frowned, having recovered from a daily basis of shock. Her eyes turned cold as her face turned stoic, impassive. If so, she would've reconsider Natalie's baby to be someone's else, but Natalie and Felix were on the headlines nearly everyday, informing the world about their awesome relationship.

"Good morning, Ms Clark, please sit," She says, gesturing to a chair. Natalie sashays, and sat down elegantly with a smirk that burns Jennie's eyes no doubt.

She moved on. She can't go on thinking of Felix and Natalie all the time. She doesn't love Felix anymore, and certainly it's the same for Natalie!

Jennie just stared at Natalie, stoic.

"Actually, it's soon-to-be Mrs Miller." She answered and Jennie secretly rolled her eyes as she reached for an empty file from the cabinet. The news were bombarding with their engagement since a few days.

"So you're Natalie Miller." Jennie states as she sat on her chair, grabbing a pen as she clicks it and swiftly wrote the words.

"Nini, you know so much about me, once I order something, they must do it! After all we're best friends before!" Natalie whines.

"Ex best friends," Jennie patiently replied. "And stop calling me that, I prefer Doctor Jennie. The relationship we only had now is a relationship between a doctor and the patient."

Natalie scoffed, rolling her blue orbs with a sarcastic smile and Jennie's eye twitches as she badly wanted to punch the bell out of Natalie.

"How long have you been pregnant?"

"Since four months ago, Doctor Jennie." Natalie fakes a sweet smile. "Felix and I are going through names and his family really enjoyed pampering me!"

Jennie's hand stopped over the paper and her lips trembled, as her eyes watered in a dramatic way. Even back then, Felix never took her to see his parents at all...

Natalie smirked, realizing Jennie still had not gotten over Felix and stated, "Wow, I never guessed you still love Felix after five years. Grow up woman! He's getting ready to get engaged to me! I'm carrying his first baby! So stop being delusional that he still loves you or he'll come back!"

Jennie held back tears, regained her stoic composure and stared coldly at Natalie. "I don't love him. Don't ever rub salt on old wounds! I don't want to think of him nor you, Nats."

"Don't call me that! That nickname is not for poor women like you! Let me tell you a thing, I just pretended to be pitiful for you when in reality, back then in college, I was hating you! I hate you for having attention from Felix when it should've been me! He would never love a poor woman like you!"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Even if I was just a poor woman, at least I'm not someone who goes after a poor friend's boyfriend just because you hate her!"

Natalie seethes. But however she calmed herself down, realizing she's carrying her baby, the heir of the Miller family!

However, Jennie went on with everything, keeping a cold face that annoyed Natalie. She was so sure Jennie still loves Felix so she immediately had a plan.

"So make sure to stop wearing heels and stick to slippers. Also, come back a week later for the gender reveal." Jennie says. A week later will be the sixth month so she realized it was perfect to do the gender reveal.

"Doctor Jennie, stop lying to yourself. You should stop this fake façade of yours, Felix and I are getting together so you should've been crying, not acting like this! You love him still, don't you?!" Natalie still refused to give up and tried to see through Jennie, but couldn't.

Jennie didn't answer, holding a file. "You are done for today, Mrs Miller. Please do not make yourself sick by these words..."

The door opened and Roseanne came in, with a huge smile but that vanished as she saw Natalie who looked a bit scared of her immediately. Roseanne too went to the same college as them and she was a scary kid, who hates it if people hurts her loved ones, and no doubt, Jennie was one of them.

"You!" Roseanne yelled. "Why are you in Jen's office?! Get out immediately!" She was fueled by anger so she immediately started to walk over to Natalie but Jennie blocked her way.

"What are you doing, Jennie?!" Roseanne spat. "Why is she here?! Jennie, she is the same damned woman who destroyed your four year old relationship and you're not angry at all?!"

Jennie put a hand on her friend's chest. "I know you're angry right now but past has left, and I've moved on. Besides, she's also pregnant."

Roseanne's face softened as she glanced at Natalie's stomach and looked away. "Fine. But tell her to leave fast or I would show a powerful punch to her!"

Jennie smiled and quickly turned around. "Mrs Miller, it's time for you to leave. You are done with the checkup."

Natalie stood up with some difficulty, and smiled, reaching for her expensive bag as she pulled out a card from it.

"I'm inviting you to my engagement next week. You can also bring as many friends as you want. Make sure to dress well, and hope you'll come. Toodles," Natalie smirk as she left the room.

"That bitch!" Roseanne snarled, shoving a accusatory finger at the invite card which was held in Jennie's hand. "Even after all she did to you, the pain she brought you, she still has the guts to pretend everything is fine! How dare she?!"

Jennie just sighed, realizing it's no use to back up from Roseanne's chitchatting as things are gonna get messy from this point.

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