Health and Law 4

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"H-Hi," Jennie shyly extended her hand, and Taehyung shook it, loving the way her hand was quite small in his large one.

Interesting, Yoongi slurped his noddles. I see the whole point of this, don't they like each other?!

Yoongi wasn't at all stupid. Coming from a ordinary family, he was crazily smart. Or else how did he get a scholarship at a very fancy knowledgeable school like Harvard or Cambridge, in law, alongside Taehyung himself?

Jennie removed her hand. There's no way she herself will deny that she is attracted to the blonde, which terribly excited her, as well as she harboring curiosity for the blonde, wanting to know him more.

The same goes for Taehyung himself and he was very shocked. Despite being a very handsome man, he was cold to women so he was never in a relationship so this all feel new to him and it made feel giddy all of a sort though he kept a neutral face.

"Uh, aren't you hungry? Would like some beef noodles since Yoongs is full?" Jennie asks, wanting Taehyung to stop looking at her with such intensity that made her melt whilst her brother choked on his food!

Yoongi was shocked. The same goes for a impassive Taehyung too! No woman, not even a lawyer, could dare ask him if he will like to eat something...

Somehow, he felt warmed. He knows that Jennie is not like these ladies out there, as they will pounce at him without wasting a minute. Jennie had great self-respect and it made him admire her.

Yoongi finally recovered from his choking fit and stared at Jennie. "Taehyung does not eat these type of foods most times, he said they're too oily for his stomach. He prefers light and healthy foods with a lot of vegetables—"

"But I eat junk food too!" Taehyung called out desperately while Yoongi was thinking if he has to make an appointment to see a mental health specialist, because the sun must've rose from the west! How could've Taehyung been so desperate?!

Jennie just laughs. "Nah, it's okay if you're not okay with oily food. I'll just eat it all,"

Jennie boldly ate the rest of the noodles in peace and after she was done, she looked up with a smile on her face. "I enjoyed to be spending time here."

Ah, please, Tae is literally the main thing as to why you're enjoying to be here! It's true as Yoongi thought of this, and smirks a bit.

"Mr. Kim, can you give us two minutes, I want to have some privacy with Yoongs," Jennie said, thinking about Natalie. And sending the urgency in her voice, Taehyung nods and left the room.

"What's up?" Yoongi raised a brow. "I'm a bit busy today," He adds, opening up a new document that Jennie has never saw before.

"Natalie came to the hospital today," Her words seems to interest Yoongi. Of course him being as Jennie's only sibling, he was also one of the witnesses at Jennie's break up with Felix. He saw how his sister was a little broken girl and that hurt him badly.

Jennie then told him everything, included the engagement invite. Silence took over as both the siblings stayed quiet, not able to meet each other's gazes.

"I'll come with you, and don't worry, I will not choose violence for as long as possible if he won't bother you." Yoongi said with a stern voice and Jennie just smiled.

She stood up. "Then I better get going. As for I know, I'm still on my day off," Yoongi laughs along with her.

Jennie left the room and spotted a blonde leaning on the wall, eyes closed in a very casual way. Jennie poked him on his bicep and he looked at her, under his long lashes.

"Bye, I'll get going. It's nice to see you, Mr. Kim," She brightened up that Taehyung is dazed by just looking at her face.

"Taehyung. Call me Taehyung." He said, a very nice aura coming off him. Jennie was hesitant since this is their first meet...

"Taehyung, it's nice to meet you," Jennie spoke and Taehyung's heart palpitates too quickly, loving how his name rolled off his tongue.

"Nice to meet you too," He answered and waved Jennie goodbye. As soon as the girl left, a girl came up to him.

"Mr. Kim, who's that and why are you so nice to her?!" The girl shrieked. She was a beauty with chestnut hair and green eyes.

"None of your business, Ms Clyde. I prefer you being working." Taehyung said. The 'Mrs Clyde' is named Britney Clyde, and she had a massive crush on Taehyung, and will be crazily jealous even if a girl will ask him for directions to somewhere. She was on Taehyung's level but why can't  she get his attention?!

Taehyung obviously noticed her liking for him but only saw the two of them as well lawyer partners. Besides, he has a private ideal type of his future partner which has obviously matched Jennie, and wouldn't even care if Jennie comes from a ordinary family. For him, love is the important part of a relationship , not status and Britney was not understanding this.

Britney gritted her teeth, and swore that she would make that girl's life hell! It just drove her completely mad that Taehyung was nice to a female. He was cold and so impassive to females like Yoongi.

She stomped away, after making her life's goal. She wouldn't stop until Taehyung noticed her!

Taehyung rolled his eyes. He knew that Jennie's life will be in danger since the chestnut-haired girl will not give up on him...

He vowed to protect Jennie on all costs...


It was night already on the same day and the streets of New Zealand was dark and was lightened up soon by lamp posts and headlights of cars, taxis and motorcycles and other vehicles.

Jennie laid in bed, deep thinking about a obvious blonde, Taehyung. Out of all the handsome men she met, he has to top of the most handsomest men in world! He's definitely the first!

However, she kept wondering if she could begin a friendship with him. He looked so oddly weird yet cute.

C'mon Jennie! She groans. He is probably married or taken or something! But he do really looks like he is never close with the women population at all. But however, she had to have means to see him in order to slowly adapt to him...

Meanwhile, in a flashy villa, Taehyung is laying in bed, reading a law books that his dad brought him. He tried hard not to be thinking of the cute dumpling-cheeked brunette he met today but as soon as her brightening smiling face popped in his mind, a large smile appeared.

He dropped the book somewhere, and laid on his right side, a hand given the duty of an extra pillow. He sleeps with three, one for his head, and the two on the sides of the bed each.

After a long time, he closed his eyes and smiled softly, again thinking of the cat-eyed brunette...

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