Chapter 19

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  Aragorn bustled around the small hobbit home, filling carry bags with supplies they would need on the trip. Well, more like a journey. Who knew how long it would take to find the hobbits and a runaway elf? Days? Weeks? Months? Well, it did take a while for the dwarves to reach Erebor, then they had to fight a dragon. That took ages. Dunno how long, but it was long. And the Fellowship, can't forget that. That took ages, and if your calculations and memory were correct, it took about 185 days. Something around there. That's like...6 months! And how long had you and the others been travelling? Well...that you couldn't quite remember. A few days, maybe? But then again you'd been unconscious for a few days, which would add on. You sighed. This could take months. True, you had always been a massive fan of the Lord of the Rings, and always dreamed of going on an adventure with them, but once you're in one, things seemed completely different than what you'd dreamed back on earth. It was all so real, all more terrifying. People died, and everything was so dangerously beautiful. It was so...real. You sighed again and shook off the unnerving feeling about, well...everything. Your weapons were already strapped to you, so you were all ready to go. You, Aragorn and Gimli had discussed a plan about an hour ago, and it seemed relatively simple. Though you did not like it. They had decided to go after the hobbits, for there were three of them, and if they got separated (which they probably already were) it would cause a lot more trouble than if they went after Legolas. Legolas was only one, and he couldn't cause too much damage. But, as you'd desperately tried to remind Aragorn, he was an elf and could seriously hurt someone. Aragorn understood but reminded you yet again that he was strong and could fight off the shadow far longer than the hobbits could, preventing him from doing something unspeakable. You'd reluctantly agreed, forced into understanding. Sighing yet again, you leaned against the window sill, staring outside. It was evening, the sun slowly setting.

"You sigh a lot." You turned around to see Aragorn approaching you, a small bag by his side.

You cracked him a grin, though it did not reach your eyes. "Yeah."

He joined you by the window, peering outside. At last he turned and met your eyes. "You miss him, don't you?"

Confused and slightly embarrassed, you tore your gaze away from his and continued to stare out the window, flustered. "I-I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do." Aragorn was still staring at you.

You couldn't keep your defences up any longer. You lowered your head, a long sigh escaping you. "Yeah, yeah I do."

"I do too." You looked up into Aragorn's soft, grey eyes. "He is a great friend. But I feel there is something more than friendship between you and the elf."

You blinked hard, staring at the ground. He'd figured it out. Then again, Gimli had. So of course the king of Gondor would follow up soon. "I guess there's no use in denying it, then." You sniffed, wiping your nose. You felt tears prick your eyes, but you refused to let them fall.

"Aye." There was a long silence for a moment.

"But there's something else." Aragorn looked up, surprise glinting in his eyes. "I...I don't know if it's real. If what he said was real."

"What did he say?" Aragorn pressed gently.

"He–He told me he...well, it was more actions than words, but we basically told each other we loved each other." You felt your throat tighten with emotion. "But I'll never know if it was real, or if it was the shadow using him to get close to me this whole time."

Aragorn was silent for a moment, his grey eyes thoughtful. "He meant true, Y/n. Legolas would never lie about something like that, taken over by a black shadowy void or not. He is true to his word."

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