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NAME : Jayden Sterling Barnes
NICKNAMES : Jay, Jade, Jay-Bird
AGE : 18
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Male & Bisexual
OCCUPATION : College Student
PERSONALITY : Jayden is a kind boy. He's very outgoing, social and friendly. It's easy for him to interact with just about anybody, along with befriending people easily. He's a real chatterbox and can usually converse about anything with anyone. He's also quite intelligent. Having graduated early from highschool, he walked into college at 17 with dreams and aspirations of becoming an aerospace engineer. Although he has things that could hold him back, Jayden is very determined and perseveres through almost everything.
- Politics
- Science
- Journaling
- The NFFA
- The Purge
- His seizures
FACECLAIM : Nicholas Elia

CRUSH : NonePARENTS :- Brooks Barnes (father, alive)- Georgia Emmanuel (mother, deceased)- Charlene "Charlie" Roan (adoptive mother, alive)SIBLINGS : NoneCHILDREN : NoneEXTENDED FAMILY : Leo Barnes (uncle, alive)BACKSTORY : Jayden was the miracle ...

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CRUSH : None
- Brooks Barnes (father, alive)
- Georgia Emmanuel (mother, deceased)
- Charlene "Charlie" Roan (adoptive mother, alive)
EXTENDED FAMILY : Leo Barnes (uncle, alive)
BACKSTORY : Jayden was the miracle that Brooks had always hoped for in his lifetime. Outside of having the support of Leo, Brooks made the best decision of his life just shortly after he joined the military. He met Georgia, a kind woman who would always serve him at the local coffee shop he'd often be in after returning home from his stations. The two got to talking and shortly thereafter wound up committing to a serious relationship. It was tough for a while, considering Brooks was in the military and then the purge had also begun. Even so, the two were blessed with an unexpected miracle a few months into their relationship: they were pregnant. Discussing things, the two decided to stick through it together. As a result, Jayden was born after a full term pregnancy. Brooks and Georgia were absolutely ecstatic. Life was good for Jayden up until he was seven. The purge commencing was something that usually happened while Brooks was away in the military, so it was Georgia and Jayden left to defend themselves. Usually, their security was enough to keep them safe. Though, this year, purgers grew to become more obnoxious and cut through. Breaking into the home, Georgia was dragged out of the closet that she and Jayden were hiding in and killed before the boys eyes. It was also around this time that his seizures had begun. Triggered by the fear, anxiety and flashing lights of the purge, he wound up having a seizure. He went unconscious after while the purgers just watched and left him for dead. It wasn't until the next morning did his uncle Leo find him and get him to a hospital. Thankfully, Jayden hadn't endured major damage, but the emotional scarring of seeing his mother killed before him never healed. When his father returned back from the marines, he was devastated to find that Georgia had been killed. From there, it was Brooks and Jayden against the world. Brooks did his best to parent his son as a single father, and encouraged his boy to do his best always, which pushed Jayden to do better everyday; for his mother and father. Jayden graduated highschool early at the top of his class, and moved onto college at 17. When Jayden explained that he wanted to dorm for college, Brooks was reluctant at first, especially considering the schools were not protected from that horrid night. But he trusted Jayden, and taught him self defense before he went. Since then, Jayden has been doing study abroad as to avoid being around during the purge night, but he always comes home the night after to see his uncle and father.
OTHER : Jayden has a German shepherd service dog named Aero that helps alert others of his impending seizures and also helps him through them

 OTHER : Jayden has a German shepherd service dog named Aero that helps alert others of his impending seizures and also helps him through them

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