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NAME : Ryder Jackson Butcher
NICKNAMES : RJ, Ry, Ry-Ry, Ry-Guy
NAME MEANING : Horserider
AGE : 28
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Male & Straight
- CEO of his own company
- Scare Actor (Halloween time)
PERSONALITY : Ryder is the definition of hard work pays off, and from rags to riches. From where he began as a child to being a poor boy with hand me down clothes from his big brother to the CEO of forming and building his own company, Ryder is nothing but an incredibly conscientious person. He knows the struggles of not having much, so despite him having everything he could ever want at the tips of his fingers, he still works hard for the things he has. He's a very kind person, looking out for others as opposed to himself. He's anything but selfish. Ryder has a really goofy side to him that comes out around the people that he's comfortable with. Overall, he's got a heart of gold and loves with everything that he has to give.
- Tea
- Halloween
- Spending time with family
- Bullying
- Laziness
- Dishonesty
FACECLAIM : Charlie Hunnam

LIKES :- Tea- Halloween- Spending time with familyDISLIKES :- Bullying- Laziness- DishonestyMEDICAL CONDITIONS : NonePOWERS/SKILLS : NoneFACECLAIM : Charlie Hunnam

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CRUSH : Your oc
- Ryan Butcher (father, alive)
- Bethany Butcher (mother, alive)
SIBLINGS : Ryan Butcher Jr. (older brother, alive)
EXTENDED FAMILY : Depends on roleplay
BACKSTORY : Ryder grew up very poor. He grew up in a poor district of the town that he lived in growing up. His father worked as a store clerk while his mother was a stay at home mom. Often more than not, the family struggled to get by. Growing up, Ryder was often teased and bullied for being so poor. Even so, the boy never let it drag him down. He kept a rather positive and optimistic attitude and progressed through school doing his own thing. He focused hard on his studies and graduated highschool with honors. He also worked part time to help with the finances in the house. Ryder got practically a free ride to college due to the financial situation of his parents. He wound up majoring in computer science and became a software engineer. Eventually, he was able to open up his own business which took off. Ever since then, he's been using his money to help pay off his parents and big brothers debt and help them financially recover.
OTHER : Ryder has a German shepherd dog named Stout

 OTHER : Ryder has a German shepherd dog named Stout

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