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NAME : Orion Henry Brookstone
AGE : 38
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Male & Bisexual
OCCUPATION : Cardiologist
PERSONALITY : Orion's sole priority above all else is his family. After suffering the loss of his wife and nearly his son too, he does all he can to show his endless support to his children. He loves them unconditionally and does his best to provide for them. There will never be a day that goes by that Orion won't remind his children of how much he loves and cares for them. Orions also a bit of a health nut. He tends to eat really healthy and limits his sugar consumption. While he doesn't force his healthy beliefs down onto his children, he does try to monitor their junk food and sugar consumption. Even so, he wouldn't ever force them to change their habits unless it proved to be harmful. Orion cares with all that he has to give, both at home and work. He always puts others before himself and always will.
- Health
- Fitness
- His kids
- Coffee
- Fast food
- Disrespect
MEDICAL CONDITIONS : Atrial septal defect
FACECLAIM : Ryan Hurst

CRUSH : Your ocPARENTS :- Jessica Blackstone (mother, alive)- James Blackstone (father, alive)SIBLINGS : Lyra Brookstone (younger sister, alive)FC : Winter Ave SoliCHILDREN :- Kenneth Blackstone (son, 21, alive)FC : Young Matthew Lillard- Joshua B...

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CRUSH : Your oc
- Jessica Blackstone (mother, alive)
- James Blackstone (father, alive)
SIBLINGS : Lyra Brookstone (younger sister, alive)
FC : Winter Ave Soli
- Kenneth Blackstone (son, 21, alive)
FC : Young Matthew Lillard
- Joshua Blackstone (son, 20, alive)
FC : Young Norman Reedus
- Angelica Blackstone (daughter, 8, alive)
FC : Piper Rubio
- Arin Blackstone (son, 8, alive)
FC : Young Macauley Culkin
EXTENDED FAMILY : Sora Blackstone (wife, deceased)
BACKSTORY : Orion had a tough time while he was growing up. Being born with a hole in his heart, it didn't effect him much while he was young. He was an active kid with a lot of energy. However, as he got older and began to deal with stress, his blood pressure often would spike and he would struggle to manage it. It landed him in the hospital a lot as a young teenager. The first time that he found out he had an atrial septal defect, he didn't know what to make of it. However, as time went on, he was able to learn how to manage it. By eating healthy and starting to play sports, he learned how to manage it. As he grew up, Orion took more interest in his condition and the heart problems that his mother had as well. However, before Orion graduated highschool, he met a girl: Sora. This was his first ever relationship, so he wound up getting together with her. The two slept together after a few months. By accident, Orion got Sora pregnant. The day Sora told Orion, she also told him that he could either leave or be apart of their child's life. Orion stuck by Sora ever since that night. So, finishing out highschool, the two graduated together. After they had Kenny together, they fell pregnant again a few months later. Even though it was tough, Orion and Sora were fortunate to have the support behind them of Orion's parents. Still wanting to pursue an education, Orion went onto college. The heart- given him and his mothers heart conditions- always fascinated him. So, Orion decided to go college to become a Cardiologist whilst helping to raise his son and take care of his pregnant wife. Another year later, Orion and Sora were blessed with their two beautiful boys: Kenny and Joshua. From there, things were on the upswing. After studying long and hard and helping his family, Orion became a successful cardiologist. Years down the line, they fell pregnant once again with twins. A while after the twins were born was when things hit the fan for the worst. Sora faced post partum depression and took her own life, leaving Orion to raise four kids on his own while managing a full time job. Due to this event, it caused a spike in his blood pressure and landed him in the hospital. It was around this time that the doctors gave a recommendation that he have the hole in his heart operated on. Orion agreed. The surgery was a success. After taking it easy for a while and managing to get himself better, he recovered and returned back to work while working with his parents to raise his kids.
OTHER : None

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