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NAME : Magdalena "Madeline" Skylar García
NICKNAMES : Mad, Mads, Maddy
NAME MEANING : Woman from Magdala
AGE : 28
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Female & Straight
PERSONALITY : Madeline is nothing but a firecracker. She doesn't take shit from anybody, and dishes things out just as easily as people throw them at her. She refuses to let anyone take advantage of her, and so she will fight her way out of things if she has to in order to survive. She has wit like no other, and has been told she has quite the silver tongue. Despite being the only native Spanish speaker (aside from her little brothers) she uses it to her advantage. Often more than not, when guys think she's cursing out in Spanish that it's hot, it's most definitely not. Of course, Joseph and Tyler find it funny. That's where her soft spot comes into play; her brothers. Seeing as they are all she has left, Madeline will go above and beyond to protect her little brother's at all costs. They are everything to her, and you better believe she'll throw someone overboard for them. Around them, she's a real sweetheart and softie. She tells them stupid jokes, reads them stories (no matter how much Joseph claims he's too old for them) and cares for them in both a motherly and older sister way. Aside from this, Madeline loves to teach. She loves to share and pass along the knowledge she learns, and so anytime she gets the chance to teach someone something new, she leaps at the opportunity immediately.
- Writing
- Reading
- Animals
- Walkers
- Enemies
- The Apocalypse
- Bilingual
- Weaponry
- Self defense
FACECLAIM : Deborah Ann Woll

LIKES :- Writing- Reading- AnimalsDISLIKES :- Walkers- Enemies- The ApocalypseMEDICAL CONDITIONS : NonePOWERS/SKILLS :- Bilingual- Weaponry- Self defenseFACECLAIM : Deborah Ann Woll

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CRUSH : Shane Walsh

PARENTS :- Gabriella García (mother, deceased)- Carlos García (father, deceased)SIBLINGS :- José Garcia (younger brother, 14, alive)FC : Young Ridge Canipe- Tyler Garcia (younger brother, 12, alive)FC : Young Colin FordCHILDREN : NoneEXTENDED FAMI...

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- Gabriella García (mother, deceased)
- Carlos García (father, deceased)
- José Garcia (younger brother, 14, alive)
FC : Young Ridge Canipe
- Tyler Garcia (younger brother, 12, alive)
FC : Young Colin Ford
BACKSTORY : Madeline had a decent yet complicated  childhood growing up. She was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain. However, she didn't reside there for long. For the first few years of her life, right as she got out of the toddler stage, despite her being born into the royal family of Spain, Gabriella and Carlos decided to up and move the three of them out of there and into the states. Of course, Madeline was much too young to really understand why they had done so. It didn't really bother her much though. Due to being a part of the royal family of Spain, Gabriella, Carlos and Madeline quickly fit right into the royalty system in America. In fact, Madeline, Rick and Shane grew up together. The four of them were best friends. The three of them were her first real friends, especially since making friends elsewhere with a thick and heavy Spanish accent was nearly impossible. It certainly made school tougher, since she was struggling to learn English. Even so, it was easy with AJ, Rick and Shane there. She felt comfortable, and like she belonged. So, pushing through school, Madeline did great. She achieved high grades and always did her best to achieve whatever she could to make her parents proud. However, by the time that she was 13, Gabriella and Carlos announced to her that she was going to have a younger sibling. While Madeline was shocked that her parents were having another child so late in life, she was also ecstatic to become a big sister. When José was born, Madeline stepped into the big sister role immediately. She took care of her brother the best she could. It wasn't long before it was announced that she would have yet another sibling. It was the same as when José was born; Madeline stepped up into the big sister role. Madeline was a big sister to two by the time she was 16, and she absolutely adored her baby brothers. She made a vow to protect them at all costs, no matter what. Growing up with boys, she was tough and that proceeded into her adulthood. When the apocalypse happened, she fled with her two brothers, but managed to reunite with her childhood friends around the time of the farm arc, despite how reluctant Hershel was initially.
- Despite having Spanish native names, Magdalena and José go by their English counterpart names of "Madeline" and "Joseph" to make it easier on their fellow American friends. This doesn't mean they have completely abandoned their heritage names though. Often more than not, when they're alone, you'll find them talking to each other in Spanish by their original names
- Because of growing up around their parents who were native Spanish speakers, Madeline and her brothers also have thick Spanish accents, and are fluent speakers of the language
- Due to the way that her parents were put to death, Madeline often gets recurring nightmares about their death, which cause severe panic attacks for her

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