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NAME : Archimedes Keith Harrington
NICKNAMES : Arch, Archie
NAME MEANING : Master planner
AGE : 8 (at the start of the apocalypse)
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Male & Undetermined
PERSONALITY : Archie is a sweet kid. He's pretty innocent (minus the fact that he's in process of living through an apocalypse) and doesn't really have a mean bone in his body. Honestly, he's a pretty timid kid and tends to stick close to those that he's used to being around. He avoids conflict at almost all costs, and doesn't do well with it. His reaction is to usually cover his ears and either run away or curl into a ball. Even so, the boy is rather playful. He likes to meet new people and make new friends, despite his crippling introversion. He's a giver more so than a receiver, enjoying making others happy during such a shit point in the world.
- Glenn
- Swimming
- Russell & Trent
- Walkers
- Running
- The heat
FACECLAIM : Grant Feely

LIKES :- Glenn- Swimming- Russell & TrentDISLIKES :- Walkers- Running- The heatMEDICAL CONDITIONS : NonePOWERS/SKILLS : NoneFACECLAIM : Grant Feely

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CRUSH : None
- Mother (unknown)
- Finn Harrington (father, deceased)
- Glenn Rhee (adoptive father, status depends on scenario)

SIBLINGS : Russell Harrington (older brother, 18, unknown)FC : Young Matthew LillardCHILDREN : NoneEXTENDED FAMILY : Trent Kamp (Russell's boyfriend, 18, unknown)FC : Young Skeet UlrichBACKSTORY : Archie didn't know normalcy for long

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SIBLINGS : Russell Harrington (older brother, 18, unknown)
FC : Young Matthew Lillard
EXTENDED FAMILY : Trent Kamp (Russell's boyfriend, 18, unknown)
FC : Young Skeet Ulrich
BACKSTORY : Archie didn't know normalcy for long. The boy lived the first seven years of his life in normalcy. Having a big brother who was ten years older than him, along with Russell's boyfriend, Trent, was great. Archie went out with the two of them a lot to many different places; it was one of his favorite things to do while spending time with the older boys. It made up for the lack of a motherly figure in the little boys life. However, shortly after Archie's 8th birthday, things spiraled out of control. Things went and changed abruptly. The apocalypse hit and suddenly they were living in a boarded up house with dead people walking and growling outside. Quite frankly, this scared the fuck out of Archie - rightfully so. Things were okay for a while, the four of them all trying to survive together. One night though Finn and Trent went out salvaging for food together. They didn't wind up coming back in a timely manner, causing worry within the two Harrington boys. So, Archie and Russell went out to look for them together. They managed to find them, but a walker wound up attacking Finn and killed him. Out of fear, Archie's fight or flight reaction was triggered, triggering his flight. Archie ran and ran until he was out of breath. By then, it was dark. He realized that he was alone, without his brother and out in the dark with the scary dead people. Archie wound up ducking and hiding in an abandoned building until Glenn found him out and about while on a run.
OTHER : None

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