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* TW : Mentions of suicide, overdose & heavy drug usage!

NAME : Kenneth Crew Blackstone
NICKNAMES : Ken, Kenny
NAME MEANING : Fire born
AGE : 21
- College Student
- Part time warehouse worker
PERSONALITY : Kenneth is an interesting character. Generally, he's a pretty goofy and energetic guy. He likes to make stupid jokes and laugh a lot, and make others smile. In that sense, he's pretty selfless. Since all that has happened to him, on top of already being naturally protective over his little siblings and those he loves, he has grown to become more protective over them. It's the little things he has that Kenny cherishes more than anything else. Despite this, there are still days where Kenny feels off; days when he feels depressed and sheltered away from the world, but he has been trying to work on getting better about handling those situations with working through them with his support system.
- Music
- Guitar
- Learning
- Reading
- Sitting still
- Heavy drugs
- Dyslexia
FACECLAIM : Young Matthew Lillard

CRUSH : Your ocPARENTS :- Orion Blackstone (father, alive)- Sora Blackstone (mother, deceased)SIBLINGS :- Joshua Deo (twin brother, 21, alive)FC : Young Norman Reedus- Angelica Deo (younger sister, 8, alive)FC : Piper Rubio- Arin Deo (younger brot...

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CRUSH : Your oc
- Orion Blackstone (father, alive)
- Sora Blackstone (mother, deceased)
- Joshua Deo (twin brother, 21, alive)
FC : Young Norman Reedus
- Angelica Deo (younger sister, 8, alive)
FC : Piper Rubio
- Arin Deo (younger brother, 8, alive)
FC : Young Macauley Culkin
- Jessica Blackstone (grandmother, alive)
- James Blackstone (grandfather, alive)
BACKSTORY : Kenneth Blackstone, the oldest male to come from a family of three younger siblings. The boy was an only child for the first year of his life, which he doesn't really remember anything outside growing up with a little brother. Growing up, Kenny was extremely close to his family. Though, around Kenneth's entrance into first grade, his teachers began to notice some problems that he was having. He was having trouble with paying attention and impulsiveness. Not only that but he was also having trouble reading and writing. After waiting a bit to see how these issues developed, Sora and Orion brought Kenneth to be diagnosed for ADHD and Dyslexia. He was diagnosed with both and given intervention and an IEP was formed for him. Fortunately, intervention did help a lot, but it was also a struggle for him to deal with regardless. Because of this growing up, Kenny grew up despising any form of reading. He never grew to like it. Though, with the support of his younger brother, who excelled in most areas, Kenny had endless support behind him, along with from his parents as well. As the years passed on, Kenny thrived in school (except reading) and enjoyed learning. He genuinely loved school. As he got into middle school and that was when his parents announced that they had fallen pregnant with twins. A year later when Kenny turned 13, shortly thereafter was when Arin and Angelica were born. Kenny couldn't have been happier to be a big brother yet again. Life was good for about a year before it took a toll for the worst. With Sora still dealing with post partum depression, she wound up taking her own life. This left the whole family in a tough spot. Kenny was especially torn about this, considering he was extremely close to his mom. Because of this, the boy wound up slacking off on his work and eventually began getting involved in drugs and with the wrong crowd. However, one afternoon, when he was supposed to be at school, he was hanging around his bad crowd and he overdosed on heroin. His "friends" ditched him and had a teacher not found him, he would have died. Kenny was rushed to the emergency room where he was treated. He survived, thankfully. Orion sent him to rehab, and Kenny had a successful clean wipe of the heavy drugs and returned home.
- After going through rehab, Kenny found a passion in music, and so he took up guitar. Josh found that he enjoyed drumming and so the two have their own mini band. They usually perform for their brother and sister at home
- Kenny still smokes, but he's stayed away from any heavy drugs after his overdose and going through rehab
- Kenny has a conch shell tattooed on his wrist along with a small shooting star in tribute to his mother, since she loved the beach and the stars

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