Just My Luck.. [Arranged Marriage to My Teacher] Chapter Six.

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Kirsten's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/kirstens_outfit_chapter_six/set?id=31158097

After a long debate  between Ezra and I we decided on going for a walk and possibly dinner, seeing as how it was getting close to that time.  We both changed into something a bit more appropriate for a restaurant and headed out of the apartment towards the closest park.  We’ve been walking in an awkward silence for at least ten minutes before I break the quiet by asking him, “Ezra, I know this is by far not something that either of us want, nor is this easy.  But I was thinking that maybe we should start over.  Forget about the arranged marriage, about the fact that I’m your student, and begin all over again. Pretend we just met, and just try to be friends. Could we try that, please?”

“That could work. He says after thinking about it for a moment, “Hello, I’m Ezra Williams, it’s nice to meet you.”

I smile, okay, fresh start, “Hi Ezra, I’m Kirsten Price, and the pleasure is all mine.” Maybe this could work.

“So Kirsten, what’s your favourite food?” He asks smiling back at me.

“Really, you’re going to ask me about my favourite food?” I laugh lightly, “Greek is my favourite, yourself?:”

“Yes really, it’ll help for when we go for dinner.“ Ezra says in a ’duh’ sort of way  before more seriously adding, “I myself am a big fan of Greek food, but my favourite has to be Italian.”

I smile softly to myself, so far so good. I mean I thought starting over could make us be able to be at least civil, but it’s starting to look like we may be able to get along fairly well. We’ve been walking around for an hour talking about anything we can think of.  Finally when it hit six-thirty we decided to go eat at this cute little Italian restaurant in town and start heading towards it.

After being seated at the restaurant I’m looking at the menu in front of me when Ezra looks up at me and quietly says, “Kirsten, in the air of starting over I’d like to be completely honest with you.  I’ve never hated you, not even because you’re the girl I’m supposed to marry.  In truth I’m intimidated by you.” pausing he looks down, “You’re beautiful, smart and just as stubborn as I am. I can’t imagine having to explain myself to my girlfriend, fiancé, wife, whatever you are to me at that moment in time, just to get my way in things.  I’ve always won that discussion, never argued over it. Most of the girls I’ve dated liked me being in control. I was the one to decide things.  But from the start I quickly learnt that you like to be in control.  It’s almost as if we’re in a constant battle to come out on top. A battle of wits is you may, and it’s quite clear we’re quite evenly matched there.  Quite frankly it’s scary to not be the predominate person in the relationship. At the same time you draw me in with every word you speak and every move you make.” 

I smirk at him, “Is someone falling for me?” I saying jokingly, “Ezra, you’re handsome, you’re wise, stubborn and could easily overpower me physically. It is frightening, but the urge to get under your skin is overwhelming.  It’s fun to watch you squirm in fear of defeat.  You draw me in, you intrigue me and you repel me all at once.  I’m always so confused about you, me, us and everything.  It’s all to much to take in at times, not to mention process.” I add more seriously.

“I’m glad we had this talk.” Ezra says before lightly laughing, “We should definitely continue to argue, it’s quite fulfilling at times.”

I smile at him as our waiter walks up to our table asking us if we’re ready to order. Ezra orders their signature pizza, and I order their spaghetti with chicken.  After ordering we continue to discuss matters of interest.  I learn that teaching isn’t his true dream in life, sure he love teaching but he wants to be an author.  In fact he’s been working on a novel for the past year and is in the process of fine tuning his work with the help of a publisher, so he can get it published.  It’s quite easily something he could discuss all night, which is what we did, well at least until we finished dinner.  I find it all quite interesting.  For having been Mr. Grump-a-lot all week it’s quite difficult to believe it’s the same Ezra sitting in front of me he’s being so sweet, open and vulnerable.  If I’d seen this side of him prior to tonight I’d be head over heels for him, but as it stands I feel a sense of disappointment and a hint of curiosity.  I know it will take a while for me to be taken with Ezra, but for now I’ll be happy to know we’re warming up to each other.

Leaving the restaurant I turn to him, “What now?”

He laughs, “I was thinking we head home so you can finish that ridiculous amount of homework you seem to have been assigned.  As much as I’d love to just sit on the couch with you and watch a movie with you, school work comes first.”

“Well maybe if someone hadn’t assigned so much homework we could have watched a movie. Kind of sucks to know you foiled your own plans for the evening, doesn’t it?” I smirk, knowing he’d feel obligated to counter my statement.

“I wanted the chance to launch the class farther into the book to get ahead.  The quicker the pace we start off at the more time we have to analyze important parts farther in.  We also get to the best part sooner.” He states smiling.

“Yeah sure, best part, the book has one, it’s called being finished.” I laugh, I really do not enjoy the book so far.

“Ouch that hurts, the book is good.  It’s controversial, it is making a bold political and economical statement.  Aldous Huxley executed it very well.  I mean just face value alone the idea of such a society is intriguing, a bit off-putting too mind you.  The symbolism for society is bold, frightening. but strikingly accurate.  The fact alone that ‘Brave New World’ was written in 1931 is astounding for the advances in technology portrayed, even now we’re just starting to grasp the concept of cloning.  One who regards the book as pointless and boring has obviously not understood the underlying context.” Ezra says passionately, literature really is his area of expertise.

A small smile creeps onto my face, I’ll let him reign victorious in this battle.  I enjoy the underlying context, but the book itself just does not ignite my passion to grasp onto every word and thought.

“I think since I am the teacher and I have the power to do anything I please, I think I’ll only check the first two chapters I assigned on Friday.” he says smiling, he most definitely has something planned, “That way we can watch Gattaca, one of the movies that portrays similar ideas as “Brave New World’ and hopefully you will grow a liking for the book.”

When we get back to the apartment I curl up on the couch  while Ezra locates the DVD and sets everything up.  Halfway through the movie I start to feel drowsy, I can never stay awake through an entire movie.  Just as my eyes start to close there is a loud noise in the apartment which causes me to right myself quite quickly.  After discovering it is just Christopher returning home from work I loosen up and sink back into the couch behind me.  Ezra lightly laughs at me before gently pulling me close into his side.  I smile up at him before turning my attention back to the movie.  I didn’t have a chance to focus on the television for long before I was distracted by the fresh woodsy scent of Ezra.  I look up momentarily finding that he’s already smiling down at me. I smile up at him softly, slightly embarrassed that he’s been watching me. 

“You’re so cute all curled up like that, Kirsten.” Ezra softly whispers to me.

Slowly his head lowers to mine, my eyes flutter shut and his lips gently meet mine. Pulling away from the kiss we smile at each other before I return to resting my head on his chest watching the movie. Minutes later I fall into a peaceful slumber.


*Brave New World, Written by Aldous Huxley in 1931, Published in 1932

*Gattaca, Directed by Andrew Niccol, Released in October 1997


I'll try to have Chapter Seven out a soon as possible, but I've been quite sick lately and haven't quite finished the chapter yet.


xoxo Nicole

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