6 - Laying Lizard

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After the admitting of a place to sleep by Crosshairs I was over the moon.

Leuci: "Where would that be?"

Crosshairs: "There is a place outside or we could mend a spare room to meet your needs."

Leuci: "I wouldn't want to waste your time with making you need to redesign a room to suit my needs.."

As much as I want him to pay back, making a whole environment in the autobot base would be too far, even for me.

Crosshairs: "Then it's sorted. Follow me."

I follow Crosshairs to the other side of the autobot base. Passing all sorts of rooms used for ammo, testing, practicing or incineration of items. Eventually we come across the door to the back of the base. He opens it and I'm met with more trees and grass. It seems like a often patrolled area by autobots which meant it was safe. Just lesser in the peaceful aspect. We went outside to meet some guards, to let them know on the company that they would have during the night.

After he finished speaking to the guards we made our way to a running water source. This already looked perfect. There was bushes, grass and a waterfall. It looked like home..

Crosshairs: "Like it? Built by mother nature." Short Laugh

Leuci: "Mhm! Looks gorgeous!"

I just started going towards the falls. Drinking some water as if I was dehydrated for a million years, which I was.

Crosshairs still follows me to the waterfall as if his life depended on babysitting me. Which for a start, he seemed like he would've rather looked after brainless beings. Yet he seems to be laughing, chuckling. Not to mention winking at me too.. I'll have to keep an eye on that. Also I'm partly sleepy too. So I'll need to get some shut eye in a few hours.

Leuci: "Hey, so I'll be going to sleep here if that's alright?"

Crosshairs: "Of course. Just promise me you won't run off okay?"

Leuci: "I promise don't worry."

Crosshairs: "Goodie good. He began to take turned some steps away before turning around I'll check back in the morning Leuci. Goodnight to ya' " He let out a smile

Now he's smiling? Well I won't make a big deal about it.

Leuci: "Night."

He then leaves the area. I tap the side of my helm to bring up some formations. I check the surroundings again to find the most suitable one. Perfect, a utahraptor. I tap the choice on my hologram and transform in a few seconds. I then dash towards the most comfy looking spot before laying on my stomach on the shrubby side rock on the edge of the waterfall.

I curl my tail to my face. I close my eyes.

Next Day - Morning

I awake the sound of the waterfall clashing against the water below

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I awake the sound of the waterfall clashing against the water below. I sniff the mix between cold and hot air around me. I don't have a reason to be moving so may aswell chill un-

Speaking of the Devil.

Crosshairs, appearing from the trees darts his eyes towards me and I look right back at him.

Crosshairs: "Don't you look charming." Grin

I rattle my neck a bit to rid off any sweat or rain from the past night. Then leaped down to the grass below to transform back to my more humanoid form. Now being able to communicate fully.

Leuci: "Yeah well you might just need to get used to it.. Anyway what's the plan for today?" Changing my tone of voice to a low to higher concentration of pitch

Crosshairs: "Glad you asked. So I went to speak to Prime about your views on how you could help on missions. Pause he said he is fine with it however he needs to know a piece of information regarding your, well. Abilities of a certain something. Not powers by the way. Would be best to speak to him in person about it."

I get the idea what he is meaning by abilities. So I accept.

We head off out of the forestry into the autobot base. Making our way through to where Optimus could possibly be. Alast we caught Optimus in the lobby.

Optimus Prime: "Ah there you are Leuci. Please, come with me. Crosshairs you may leave or stay while we have a chat."

Crosshairs: "Al' come with."

Well I'm not given a choice in this scenario, just have to follow people everywhere they go because I'm cleanly not enrolled in the title to get an option in things like these.

We walk towards a room, which seems like an office. Optimus sits on a a chair, with Crosshairs on another seat. He helped me onto the seat once he recognised I've never sat on furniture before which only embarrassed me more.

Optimus Prime: "So, Leuci. Hound and I analysed your data. And found a peice of information that interested us the most, in obvious ways. Now I want you to not take the wrong way and start trying to blow something or someone up so just listen."

Leuci: "Listening."

Optimus: "Right so when we went through the data. We came across this"
he takes the time to pull up a screen from the table, projecting nearby in the air. The picture was the contents of her fertility status.
"So, from this we want to ask, and I won't ask any more questions on this topic. Is your species able to multiply and if you can, I'm not asking for the whole process but how."

This was a complicated one to answer. I don't know how im meant to word my answer at all so here goes.

Leuci: "To put it clear, yes, my species can multiply. And it's by the usual business of exchanges of a seed and egg. The mother then carries it for 3 months. Then it will crawl out to start it's own life. And only sometimes does it get assisted with its upbringing."

Optimus Prime: "Alright. That's a ll that I needed, you two may leave now."

With that, I and Crosshairs left Primes office.

Was it Meant to Be? (Crosshairs x Cybertronian OC)Where stories live. Discover now