9 - Lights Out

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Crosshairs: "So what do you think of it so far?"

Leuci: "Looks pretty unsafe, but I'll trust you."

Crosshairs: "Trust me to keep you safe or that this place is secure?"

Leuci: "Well. Both." I say with a huff

I've always looked after myself with no one else around. And if I was with someone, it was never a long-term trusting relationship, always conflict at some point in time.

However, something about Crosshairs is telling me that he brought me here for a reason. I'm no mind reader, but he has been acting weird ss if he is anticipating something. However, he goes to a workbench and pintches a small Jewel with a yellow substance inside and lowers himself to my level to show me it.

Leuci: "What is it?"

Crosshairs: "Acid from space, not much left of it. It's super powerful.. It should be handled carefully."

Leuci: "What can it do?"

Crosshairs: "It can go boom at the bond of oxygen, so it must be kept in this thing. Or the base would be in pieces."

Leuci: "Oh, right, so I definitely won't be handling it anytime soon."

Crosshairs then stood back up, then placed the yellow Jewel back on the workbench. For once, I feel like I'm gaining a bond with someone. He, for some reason, took me by the waist and then held me comfortably in his hand but holding me away from him

Crosshairs: "Can I trust ya' to sit on the chair there without touching stuff on the worktop?"

I don't know what my facial expression is. However, I felt a whole wave of heat go to my cheeks and stunned. Too stunned to speak.

Leuci: "Uhm yeah, you didn't need to pick me up, though I can climb up the seat."

Crosshairs: "Right, yeah, my bad."

He places me on the chair as he goes to find some other 'cool' things in the room. Then, he comes back with what seems to be his favourite gun since he came back grinning with it in his grasp

Crosshairs: "This one is my favourite if you can't tell.. Best ammo of them all that is safe to use- Wait, let me reword that.. It won't end up with me dying when I use it, which is why it's safe to use."

2 dreading hours pass

Crosshairs: "So I can tell you're probably bored now. You seem pretty strained too, so allow me.."

He then dims the lights a bit, calming my optics to a suitable glow.

Leuci: "Thanks. So what -"

Before I could even continue my sentence, he crouched down to pick me up again by the waist. Then, she set me on a clean counter, which he probably set up during one of his trips to find something to show me.
I'm now eye level with him, and he crosses his arms. I can swear on my life that I'm probably going red out of embarrassment.

Crosshairs: "If you were going to ask what we were going to do after i shown you all my favourite items. I have my perfect idea. Pauses if obviously you trust me to show you."

Leuci: "Crosshairs- what are you even planning.." I scoff in disbelief

Crosshairs: "Leuci, look, I probably should've let you know. Well, you probably might've guessed, I'm not one to be getting involved in relationships."

Leuci: "Yeah, I can. I clearly see that, but what are you even planning to do.."

Crosshairs: "I can't explain with words. But do you trust me.."

Leuci: "Crosshairs, we met almost 2 days ago- I don't know what I could get myself into.. but you aren't going to hurt me.. right?"

Crosshairs: "Oh, Leuci.. Of course, I wouldn't hurt you. I'd never do that, so allow me.."

With that said, he very awkwardly but gently pulls me closer for an embrace in his arms. My optics blinked twice before I let out a relaxed sigh.

Crosshairs: "Look.. I've just never felt this way in a very, very long time.. Can you please forgive me for being all light all of a sudden?

Leuci: "Of course.."

I don't know if I should be feeling bad or not. Who knows how much care he really has gotten excluding medical attention. I take my arms around him. It's the best I could anyway he was a bit too thick for me to get around fully. The audible scraping of metal as he let's himself wind down, not the most comfortable in my position since I feel like I'm going to implode from emotions.

He brought his head out of my shoulder and then pulled away, itching the back off his neck in sort embarrassed as I sat there on the edge of the tabletop.

Crosshairs: "Right.. Okay, uhm. Can we forget that happened..?"

Leuci: "If you wish to."

I could tell he hasn't opened up like that before, and he feels that if someone found out he went soft for a bot he met about 2 days ago, he'd get picked on for it. I quietly sigh as he begins to put some of his items back on his shelves. I stay on the workbench as I watch him.

I've sort of lost track of time, and it seems like it's getting late as some autobots are also coming back to drop off their weapons in the lab. Making friendly gestures as they enter and leave to Crosshairs and I.

I felt something in my spark when I hugged Crosshairs, though. Like I felt something for him, I know I shouldn't be letting this get the better of me, just in case he doesn't feel the same way

Crosshairs then gestures me to get off the table, probably so he could put whatever was originally on it. I get off, and my feet land on the floor.

Crosshairs: "So I guess I'll help you find your way back to the little bed in the wall."

Leuci: "Yeah, I'd appreciate it.. I'd get lost if I tried to find it myself."

I make a soft giggle before we leave the lab. Making our way to the spare room, I was originally going to sleep in. Crosshairs' loud footsteps make noise with each step he took. He also occasionally rearranged his hanging coat that went down to his ankles, which I found rather, unnecessarily, handsome.

Crosshairs: "Right, so here it is.. You should be snug as a bug in there pipsqueak."

Pipsqueak? He comes up with a new nickname each time, as far as I believe.

I do the using helm tap and scroll for my little compsognathus alt. Crosshairs lifts me with his finger to the boxbed looking area in the wall. I look at him into his optics as he does so. Feeling a sense of peace and admiration for each other. I plant my feet on the blankets and begin to curl up, folding the blanket to my body shape.

Crosshairs: "Goodnight then."

I make a quiet vocal noise to say goodnight back as I close my eyes. Laying myself down on my stomach and resting my head in between my arms.


She's so beautiful...

Was it Meant to Be? (Crosshairs x Cybertronian OC)Where stories live. Discover now