bloodmoon and trash head man

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request by: @katekittyemily

bloodmoon walks in circles in the practical dungeon he is currently having to stay in.

"what do we do now, brother? that plush thing still hasn't come back and im starting to get hungry again!" he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"we could just find something in the streets again." the other replies

before either of them could continue their conversation, a familiar voice interrupted them.

"do you perhaps need help finding another victim? I have someone in mind. im sure you would love to pay him a visit" rodrick makes itself known from behind them. bloodmoon turns around to meet the weird talking plushy.

"who? someone we know?" bloodmoon asks, interested but also unsure. they still aren't sure if they should trust the weird creature.

"indeed it is. remember that homeless guy with a trashcan for a head? well he is still alive. somehow..."

bloodmoons eyes widen. "where is he?! he could definitely be fun for us to torture some more!" bloodmoon is having trouble standing still now.

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bloodmoon walks through a pretty much abandoned, searching for his prey. "he should be around here somewhere."

"what if that creature lied to us?" the other said as they peer through yet another alleyway only to find it also empty.

"then we kill it. who knows, maybe that thing bleeds." he lets out and insane laugh and the other one joins. the noise of what sounds like metal falling over interrupts the two sychopaths. the sound continues but now it sounds like something is digging through something. bm tilts their head curiously. they manage to pinpoint the sound to be coming from an alleyway.

he looks into it and to their surprise, find the weird trashcan guy struggling to get out of a trash bin. bloodmoon grins and enters the alleyway.

the hobo finally jumps out of the bin but manages to bang himself into a wall. "ow!" he gets up, using the wall for support. "sorry about that, madam." he apologizes to the wall as if its an actual person.

bloodmoon lets out an agrivated grumble. "forgot how much of a dumbass you were... oh well, lets just get this over with." bloodmoon is now just a few feet away from him.

"lets rip him to pieces over and over again just like we used to!"

bloodmoon doesn't waste any more time and grabs onto trash mans shoulder. "what the-?" instead of being able to finish his sentence, bloodmoons sharp claws rip through his chest.

blood pours through the large gash that now covers a majority of his chest and stomach. he lets out wierd pained noises and tries to get away but bloodmoon just jumps onto him.

"no escape! plenty of blood to feast on!"they shout happily as they move a hand over to his wound. they plunge their hand into the gash and rip out most of his insides.

he lets out even more screams while his organs are removed. bloodmoon puts their face over to it and bites onto the few organs that remained. he pulls them out with his mouth and eats them.

they grin, glaring down at the unmoving body. bloodmoon licks his lips of any remaining blood. bloodmoon then notices that the hole he made in the trash man's body seems to be slowly returning back to normal. this doesn't surprise either of them and they just watch as he is returned back to normal. bloodmoon chuckles

"lets rip off his limbs next!"

585 words

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