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Hongjoong's words brought Seonghwa back to reality. He was still shaken and upset from the encounter with Mingyu, and he needed time to process what had just happened. He wanted to speak up and defend himself, but his emotions were still raw and overwhelming.

As Hongjoong turned to face him, Seonghwa looked up at him with tears in his eyes. He felt ashamed and embarrassed by the intimate moment with Mingyu, and he struggled to find the words to explain what had happened.

Hongjoong reached out and took Seonghwa's hand, his touch soothing and calming. Hongjoong and Seonghwa walked slowly but steadily out of the cell and towards the top/main part of the pirate ship. Hongjoong was still angry and upset at Mingyu's treatment of Seonghwa, but he kept his emotions in check for the sake of his husband.

As they made their way through the crowded deck, Hongjoong could feel the tension and anxiety building up inside him. He had seen the way Mingyu had touched and kissed Seonghwa, and he knew that it had not been just a simple "comfort" or "support" as Mingyu had claimed.

Hongjoong's frustration and anger grew as he thought about Mingyu's actions, but he was still focused on reassuring and comforting Seonghwa. He wanted to make sure that Seonghwa was okay and that he felt safe and protected.

As they walked, Hongjoong held Seonghwa's hand tightly, his grip firm and reassuring. He could feel Seonghwa's anxiety and fear and he knew he needed to be strong and protective. He didn't want Seonghwa to feel more vulnerable than he already was.

"Seonghwa, are you okay?" Hongjoong asked gently, his tone full of concern and sympathy. He could feel Seonghwa's breath shuddering with emotion and fear, and he wanted to make sure that his husband felt safe and protected.

"I'm... I'm fine," Seonghwa managed to say, his voice shaking with anxiety and discomfort. He could still feel Mingyu's touch on his body, and he didn't want to think about what had happened in the cell.

Hongjoong nodded slowly and turned down a narrow corridor leading off of the main deck. He could feel Seonghwa's body trembling in his grasp, and he knew how traumatic and terrifying the situation had been for his husband.

As they reached a small room at the end of the corridor, Hongjoong slowly opened the door and lead Seonghwa inside. The room was dark and secluded, with a view of the starry night sky illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the portholes. Hongjoong walked over to the window and pulled the curtains shut, shrouding the room in darkness. He could still feel Seonghwa's body trembling in his grasp, and he knew his husband needed a quiet and secluded space to process and work through the emotions from his nightmare.

As he closed the curtains, Hongjoong turned to face Seonghwa and pulled him into a gentle embrace. He wanted to offer his husband comfort, protection, and love, and he hoped that the darkness and serenity of the room would help ease Seonghwa's fears and anxiety.

As Hongjoong and Seonghwa stood in the dark and cramped space, they slowly began to grow closer. Hongjoong's touch was tender and loving, and he slowly drew them together as if they were two weary travelers finally finding solace from the storm.

Their bodies became entwined as their hearts raced in anticipation, and their mouths came together in a gentle, soul-shaking kiss. Seonghwa felt his stress and worries melt away in Hongjoong's loving embrace, and he was left breathless by the sweetness and intensity of their intimacy.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa continued to kiss, slowly and tenderly. The darkness of the room had turned into a cozy and intimate lair, and the two men began to lose themselves in each other's company.

Their lips met and parted, and the warmth of their breath caressed each other's faces. Seonghwa felt his heart beating quickly from the excitement and euphoria he felt from Hongjoong's touch. Their bodies were pressed together, and they felt their hearts racing in anticipation.

They finally broke apart, and Seonghwa looked up at Hongjoong with a bashful and grateful smile.

"Shhh, it's alright, my love." Hongjoong's voice was soft and soothing as he drew Seonghwa into a tight embrace.

"I... I feel so vulnerable, Hongjoong." Seonghwa's voice was trembling with emotion, and he felt his heart racing with anxiety and fear.

"I know, my love. But you're safe with me. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

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