1.1 attention.

250 6 0

seonghwa's pov.

oh how i hated that pirate to guts. stupid mingyu and his friends would always ruin my moments with MY husband. how could he?! is he jealous that i could pull a captain? pathetic honestly.

"thank you cap' your the best captain ever!" mingyu said, feeling proud of himself.

oh how i wish i could kill that man. taking away my captain like that..taking all the attention. but, what can i say? he's hongjoongs best friend. so i can't hurt him. i guess i'll stay delusional.

"joongie!!" i call out, trying to grab his attention, which clearly failed because i could see mingyus friends staring at me, minjae in specific. ugh! this is so annoying.

"can't get captain's attention there seonghwa?" minjae said cockily, walking towards me. the way i would smack that boy into the ocean is so tempting right now, but i don't want to face the consequences of 'almost' murdering a crewmate..

"oh my god minjae, fuck off. why do you and your little friends have to be all up in my fucking business! who cares if i didn't catch his attention the first time, i always get his attention in the end. as for you, you literally just got the job here at main floor of the ship so dont start thinking you're all that. i'll have you back working in the dirty cells in no time. take your stupid crew away from me and my husband! all you guys wanna do is cause trouble and make us hate each other! i might aswell throw you into the ocean where you belong. or near the land where the dirty humans live and where you belo-" i started going to him, clearly annoyed with his and his friends behaviour until someone stopped me.

my heart dropped.

"park seonghwa." i heard a voice say. i definitely fucked up. because as soon as i heard my name not only was mingyu there...

but hongjoong.

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