3.2 run.

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seonghwa pov

i rush through the dark and windy path, my heart beating rapidly as i search frantically for my loved one. i don't know where i am or how i got here, but it doesn't matter now. all that matters is hongjoong

as i call out his name and hear faint echoes in response, my hope and resolve grow stronger. the search will continue until i find them, no matter how long it'll take. they must be here somewhere, i just need to keep looking.

don't give up. don't give in to despair. we both will make it out of this together.

every fiber of my being feels heavy and tense as i frantically wander through the dark and unknown place, searching for my loved one. i hear their name in the wind and in the echoes of my voice, and i can't shake the feeling that they're out there, somewhere.

but then, suddenly, i hear footsteps. distant, but close enough to fill me with dread.

i stop and hold my breath, feeling hot tears sting my eyes and roll down my cheeks. no matter how hard i try, i can't stop the panic attack from setting in.

i have to find hongjoong.

"oh seonghwa~ you can't run away" i heard a voice.

i'm screwed.

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