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I took a few deep breaths to relax myself, I was getting way too excited about this. I walked over to the bars of the cell and the female guard gave me a warm smile. How sweet, "Hey, don't you just wanna get out of this place?" I question. "It would be nice to go out and blow some steam," she replies.

"Then why don't you do just that?" I asked and she walked over to me. "I can't, the head officer will kill me" she states. I brushed her hair out of her face and her face lit up. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I whisper. "Why do you ask?" she responds with a faint blush. "Well because you're super beautiful and I might want to kiss you" I responded.

Yes I was flirting my way out of this hell. "And would me wanting a kiss make me a bad person?" she chuckled. "No, it wouldn't but y'know what you gotta do if you really want the kiss" I mention. She sighed and slowly unlocked the bars. "I'm going to lose my job because of you" she mentions and I press my lips against hers.

"If that happens I'll get you a new one" I assure, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her cheeks were red and warm, I placed a strand of hair behind her hair and she looked away flusteredly. I held her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss. "God, you're so pretty," I mutter.

Her eyes lit up and she blushed once more. "Thanks" she responds. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because they're lying" I mentioned. "Hey, uhm are you just going to escape and well, leave me?" she questions. "We'll see what happens but we'll definitely see each other again" I state and kiss her cheek. "Bye" I whispered as I walked away.

I wasn't joking, she's so hot. On the bottom floor, there were a lot of guards at the entrance. Well I've been saving up my stamina for two weeks so I should be good. After stealthily knocking out half of the police officers, I made my way out of the prison.

Mission completed successfully, the sound of sirens and flickers of red and blue lights made me realise that it wasn't successful. Well fuck, there nothing I could do, I just started running. Yes, I was trying to outrun a car. I can't fly, I don't have magical powers that would help me out run a police car. "This is bad" I mutter. "Not as bad as slaughtering a whole clan, don't you think?" a voice questioned.

I nearly tripped over my feet when I saw Satoru driving a car. "Are you gonna stare or get in?" he questions. "Idiot" I mutter, he unlocked the doors and I quickly jump into the car. "How'd you know I would escape?" I question. "Mikoto knows you better than I do and that's a fact, he trusts you and figured out the meaning behind your words" he explained.

"I thought you'd hate me for y'know" I state. "Well I am upset with you for that but you have your reasons and you'll explain that when you're ready" he mentions with a small smile. "Satoru, you're so nice. Could you please open the sunroof?" I request. He presses the button and it opens.

"What are you gonna do?" he questions. "You'll see," I responded. I placed my head out of the sunroof and aimed my finger at the tires at one of the cars. A spike of a crystal shot out of my fingers and hit the tires. My cursed energy couldn't be seen by ordinary humans so it looked like thin air. I did that to all the police cars chasing us until we were off the hook.

"Hey, I don't have my phone, may I borrow yours?" I requested and he gave it to me. I dialled Mikotos number and he answered within two rings. "Hey, it's Charlotte. We need to talk, I'm coming to base in the next one hour" I inform and hang up.

"You didn't even give him time to respond," Satoru mentions. "It wasn't me asking, I was telling him whether he likes it or not" I shrug. Satoru took me to his place and I showered from there. It felt good to be home. Since my clothes were still in the hotel room with Yuki, I had to wear his clothes.

"And as expected, you're back" Mikoto states. "Hi" I wave innocently. I got a lot of mixed reactions from the red clan, considering the fact I did kill their friends. "I'll assume you guys can fly, let's go" I mentioned. "I don't trust you after what you did, you killed Fushimi" Yata responds.

"Look I'm not forcing you guys to come, at this point if you want to not come then don't come. I'm going with Satoru and Mikoto" I mentioned. The red clan was loyal to their clan leader, Mikoto so of course they all came. I led them to the blues' former base. There's only one reason why I led the whole clan, because Fushimi was once a member of the red clan.

"I had some people search this whole area. And they found a few things I'd like you to see and maybe you could help me figure out what they meant" I mention. "What do you mean?" Izumo questions.

"There are letters written in a mixture of different languages. It's like they were written in bad languages, I need your help to decipher them, please" I request. "We'll see what can be done, but don't expect too much" Izumo responds and I nod.

I left the red clan and Gojo at the base and decided to leave the area. Luckily the place I wanted to wasn't that far from the blues base. I walk into the cemetery and leave a flower on three gravestones. I bowed in front of them and uttered a short prayer before leaving.

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